Monday, December 30, 2019

The Success of Baz Luhrmanns Romeo And Juliet - 1393 Words

The Success of Baz Luhrmanns Romeo And Juliet Baz Luhrmanns Romeo and Juliet was highly successful. The film sold millions at the box office and was well received by critics such as Paul Matthews who said that Romeo and Juliet was a, radical invention of a classic text. Although the film was released to late in the year to receive any awards, William Shakespeares Romeo + Juliet was and always will be considered a classic. The reason for the films success was because the film was made accessible to young people in a way that Shakespeare usually isnt by giving it modern location and using special effects. The film makers wanted to knock Shakespeare down and put him where he belongs which is†¦show more content†¦He cut the lines which cannot be transferred to 20th century context are cut such as the convocation between Romeo and the Apothecary, this convocation still takes place but in a much reduced way. Baz Luhrmann also cuts a lot of the complex imagery as it would not have been as appealing to a younger audience. Lu hrmanns version of the script is far more concise than the original and does not overwhelm the audience with too difficult language making the film far more successful with the younger viewers. Shakespeares script was written for a very basic set but the films setting was very elaborate so no complex imagery or soliloquies are needed as the setting speaks for its self. Baz Luhrmann made the Shakespearian play far more concise, slick and easier to understand which helped make the film be so successful. As I already mentioned in my introduction bringing the play up to date made the film highly successful. This is shown in almost every scene in the play. Its shown in the opening scenes to the movie when the Montague Boys arrive in a bright yellow car with modern music blaring out of the stereo. They almost look like college beach boys, with their Hawaiian shirts and baggy trousers. This was a very good way to start the film as it gave it a modern cool look which would be appealing to theShow MoreRelatedRomeo And Juliet Film Analysis1458 Words   |  6 Pagessimultaneously, and especially when adapting Shakespeare. William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet is an adaptation that has stirred much controversy since its release, and it’s easy to understand why. Critics deemed the film kitsch, tasteless, and even went as far as to dismiss it as â€Å"MTV Shakespeare† because of its fast-paced style and blatant advertisement in some of Shakespeare’s most important scenes. I thoroughly believe that Baz Luhrmann is attempting to get teenagers interested in Shakespeare by reducingRead MoreRomeo and Juliet - from Stage to Screen (on Baz Luhrmanns Cinematic Production))947 Words   |  4 PagesROMEO AND JULIET From stage to screen. 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In 1996, Baz Luhrmann directed â€Å"Romeo + Juliet†, a modern twist on the famous tragedy play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare in 1597, in which the main characters Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet where portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes. While some praise the strange interpretation of the old tale, there are also thoseRead MoreHow Baz Luhrmann Uses Props, Iconography, Costumes, and Settings to Create His Own Version of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet895 Words   |  4 PagesHow Baz Luhrmann Uses Props, Iconography, Costumes, and Settings to Create His Own Version of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare’s best loved tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, has been portrayed in theatres and on film in many different ways. But none have been quite like Baz Luhrmann’s imaginative and unconventional adaptation. 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Many of these films, most notably Baz Luhrmann’s 1996 version of Romeo and Juliet and John Madden’s 1998 Shakespeare in Love, have focused on the tragic destiny of these two star-crossed lovers. Seemingly, it is the destiny of Romeo and Juliet to commit suicide because theyRead MoreDà ©jà   Vu: Motifs of Hitler in Richard III(1995) and How They Help Modern Audience to Understand Shakespeare’s Richard1626 Words   |  7 PagesIt is not terribly odd to see directors adapt Shakespearian plays to a different era. In fact, contemporary elements in films like Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo and Juliet and the most recent Much Ado About Nothing by Joss Whedon have definitely bring valuable new readings to the text. Embracing this trend, Richard III (1995) by Richard Loncraine shifts its background to 1930s Britain. Starring I an McKellen as Richard, the movie makes an undeniable connection to Nazi Germany; very details include costume

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Environmental Education At The School - 844 Words

While at the school, I got to try my hand at a variety of different things. Every day was different. In a classroom, you never know what is going to happen and everyday something different is taught. I would go to the school Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays each week from 12:00pm until 3:00pm. On Mondays, I would go to two Kindergarten classrooms, Mrs. Markons and Mrs. Rolfes. In both classes, I helped with environmental education. Somedays there was an Environmental Educator that would lead the class interactions and on other days it was up to the teacher and I to lead the class interactions. Most days, if the weather was accommodating, the class would go out to the school forest to learn. Usually we would start with a book inside and then outside we would relate the book to what we saw. We did a variety of different things from making animal houses, identifying trees, using nature to spell and do math, making bunny restaurants, and using our senses to describe what we experienced. I typically, would be assigned a group of about seven students. The students and I would go off into our own area of the woods and do the activity for the day. It was my job to ask the students questions along with answering whatever questions they may have. On Wednesdays, I would go to Mrs. Tamburro’s art class with first graders and Mrs. Lampela’s class of second graders. The rest of the time I would help in the greenhouse keeping it maintained or assist the teachers with whatever they needed.Show MoreRelatedEnvironmental Education Is Not Always Implemented Within Schools1306 Words   |  6 PagesEnvironmental education is not always implemented within schools because classrooms are the main space in which students learn and teachers are expected to teach. However, by implementing activities that surround around current events in the environment and by connecting students to nature, this can have positive effects in which it influences the individuals sense of self and their community (Mcinerney, Smyth, Down, 2011). Research found that children who play in a natural environment to developRead Moreâ€Å"Developing Environmental Education in the Primary and Secondary Schools Curricular in Kenya: a Proposed Strategy for K enya Institute of Education.† by Otieno-Odundo Kenya Organization for Environmental Education (Koee)4063 Words   |  17 PagesABBREVIATIONS/ACRONYMS AFEW African Fund for Endangered Wildlife EE Environmental Education UN United Nations KIE Kenya Institute of Education KWS Kenya Wildlife Services WCK Wildlife Clubs of Kenya KOEE Kenya Organization for Environmental Education FEE Federation for Environmental Education NGO Non Governmental Education Table of contents Acknowledgement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦2 Abbreviation/AcronymsRead MoreHistory Of Environmental Education As Infused Through Science Education1135 Words   |  5 Pages2.5 HISTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AS INFUSED IN SCIENCE EDUCATION According to NCF 2005†The present status of Environmental Education (EE) in schools had its genesis in the National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986 (modified in 1992), in which Protection of the Environment is stated as a common core around which a National Curriculum Framework (NCF) would be woven. The National Policy on Education 1986 emphasized the need to create awareness of environmental concerns by integrating it in theRead MoreAll Education Starts At Home. The Ways In Which We Are1371 Words   |  6 PagesAll education starts at home. The ways in which we are raised affects how we care for ourselves and the people and things around us. From the time we are born, a proper and mature education at home is instrumental to how we progress as individuals. However, academia plays a large role in the shaping of this progress. David Orr’s belief is that with the growth of knowledge, the growth of ignorance increases. However, it can be argued that the growth of knowledge has the power to minimize ignoranceRead MoreThe Effects Of Environmental Education On The Environment1224 Words   |  5 Pagesendangered indicator species: the child in nature† (Louv, 2008). Environmental education is a multidisciplinary field of study and processes that everyone is able to â€Å"explore environmental issues, engage in problem solving, and take action to improve the environment† (â€Å"What is Environmental Education?† n.d). Education is vital to the awareness, understanding, attitudes and participation of the environment. People in the environmental education field all have a unifying purpose of engaging people and teachingRead MorePublic Environmental Awareness and Education1615 Words   |  7 PagesPublic Environmental Awareness and Education Action can be taken in a variety of areas to increase environmental awareness and education. Some of these categories are: environmental legal rights and responsibilities and associated consequences, use of the media, awareness raising campaigns, incorporation of environmental issues in mainstream education, increasing awareness and education in target groups and encouragement of public participation in environmental matters. As the following case studiesRead MoreWorld Commission On Environment And Development Essay1724 Words   |  7 Pageswe want 2.5 HISTORY OF ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AS INFUSED IN SCIENCE EDUCATION According to NCF 2005†The present status of Environmental Education (EE) in schools had its genesis in the National Policy of Education (NPE) 1986 (modified in 1992), in which Protection of the Environment is stated as a common core around which a National Curriculum Framework (NCF) would be woven. The National Policy on Education 1986 emphasized the need to create awareness of environmental concerns by integratingRead MoreA Student At Hampton University1190 Words   |  5 PagesI did not fully realize the impact it would have on me, but looking back, it is clear to me that those experiences have shaped who I’ve grown into today, and strongly influence to my desire to pursue a career in environmental science education. My first class in Marine and Environmental Science department at Hampton University turned out be different than I expected. Instead of a large lecture hall full of students, I entered a small classroom with approximately 15 students. It was a pleasant surpriseRead MoreThe Current Educational Curriculum Faces1425 Words   |  6 Pagesare various kinds of pressures that the current educational curriculum faces. Such pressures include ensuring the rights of children are protected, ensuring that cultural diversity in learning institutions is not a barrier to learning, making the education system provide learners with essential skills that can enable them participate and compete effectively in the globalized world, ensuring that children from economically challenged backgrounds obtain information similar to their counterparts thatRead MoreTitle: Enhancing Education For Sustainable Development1034 Words   |  5 PagesTitle: Enhancing education for sustainable development during adolesc ence Studies show that people experience a dip in interest and concern about environmental problems during their adolescent years (age 13-17). However, there is a lack of information on whether this dip applies to the other two dimensions of Sustainable Development (SD) i.e. social and economic, as well. This study examined changes in the broader concept of Sustainability Consciousness (SC) throughout adolescence. SC is defined

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Explain the Need for Sexual Responsibility in Personal Relationships Free Essays

Explain the need for Sexual Responsibility in Personal Relationships Listen and be listened to- We need to hear our partners’ thoughts, feelings, and ideas. We should also expect our partners to care about what we have to say. Be honest and expect honesty- We need to be truthful with each other about what we do, think, and feel. We will write a custom essay sample on Explain the Need for Sexual Responsibility in Personal Relationships or any similar topic only for you Order Now Share our feelings and expect our partners to share theirs- We need to be able to say what is on our minds and know that we will react to one another respectfully. Disagree and allow disagreement- Partners often have different desires, opinions, and ideas. They have the right to think differently. Partners need to respect each other’s’ unique points of view Be fair and expect to be treated fairly- Partners need to be considerate of each other and treat each other equally in their relationships. Consider our partners’ needs and have ours considered- Decisions that affect both partners should be made together with one another’s well-being in mind. Partners need to be able to compromise. Give support and be supported- Partners need to support one another’s emotional needs. Help our partners feel good about them and expect the same in return- Partners need to acknowledge one another’s efforts and accomplishments. Forgive and expect forgiveness- No one is perfect, and making mistakes is a normal part of life. If we apologize and are forgiven, we can move on. We shouldn’t constantly remind one another of past mistakes. Let our partners use their own money as they like and expect the same in return- We should all be allowed to make our own decisions on how we spend our own money. We also have a responsibility to live up to whatever financial commitments we have made together. Respect our partners’ needs for other relationships and expect the same in return- We all have a right to friendships outside of our primary relationships. Spending time apart with family and friends is normal and healthy. Respect our partners’ privacy and need for time apart and expect the same in return- We all need privacy and time apart from one another – alone or with others. It is not fair to be angry or treat someone badly for wanting time apart. Respect our partners’ need to feel safe and secure and expect the same in return- We all need to always feel safe and secure. Physical or emotional abuse, threats, or violence are deal breakers and end our responsibility to try to maintain our relationships. Respect our partners sexually and expect the same in return- Whenever we have sex, we should be attentive to each other’s pleasure. We should always have each other’s consent, and we should never use pressure to get consent. We should share in the responsibility of guarding ourselves and our partners against unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infection. And we should always be clear about what we want to do and respect what our partners want to do sexually. How to cite Explain the Need for Sexual Responsibility in Personal Relationships, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and Clara Barton free essay sample

Even though undefined, Clara Barton and Abraham Lincoln set a good strong example about the American patriotism during the time of the Civil War. II. BODY – Thomas Jefferson’s Early Life, Politics, and Presidency A. Early life 1. Born in Kentucky Febuary 12th, 1809 a. Moved to Perry County, Indiana b. Mother dies c. Father remarried d. Schooling B. Presidency 1. Beginning Presidency a. Was a lawyer in Illinois. b. Won 1806 nomination for Republican Party c. Initiated new ideas 2. Midway through Presidency a. Selected best officials b. Resolved Trent Affair c. Union had control of border states 3. Ending of Presidency a. Those who opposed Lincoln b. Reconstruction c. One of top rated Presidents III. Body- Clara Barton’s Early life, traveling, and Work A. Early life 1. Born in Massachusetts a. Parents b. Good reader c. Nursed her brother 2. Teaching and schooling a. Became teacher at seventeen b. Enrolled at a Liberal Arts school c. Opened school in New Jersey 3. During the Civil War a. Nicknamed â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield† b. Worked behind the lines . Named Superintendent of Union Nurses 4. Finding missing soldiers a. Started a bureau to find missing soldiers b. She was much like Huck Finn looking for Jim. c. Found info for more than 30,000 missing soldiers 5. Traveling a. Went to Europe to take a break b. Promised to rally back in the U. S. 6. Work a. Became President of Red Cross b. Helped in Crisis i. floods ii. yellow fever c. American Amendment was passed. Summary of Paper a. Abramham is most like Huck because he does what he thinks is right above all else. b. Lincoln’s father fits the role of Pap Finn . Clara can be related to Hester because she is a strong women. d. Her scarlet letter would be that she’s a women Mikaela Boies Mrs. Weisman American Literature 1 March 23, 2012 Abraham Lincoln and Clara Barton Even though undefined, Clara Barton and Abraham Lincoln set a good strong example about American patriotism during the time of the Civil War. Lincoln did whatever it took to help his country through the good and the bad. Barton pushed through the fact that she was a woman to keep on pursuing her dreams. Therefore leading to some of America’s greatest citizens. In Hardin County, Kentucky in a small log cabin on February 12th, 1809 Abraham Lincoln was born. When he was seven his family moved to Perry County, Indiana, and two years later his mother died of tremolo; bad milk (Lincoln Information). His father then married Sarah Bush Johnston. His schooling was less than that of a year, but by the time he was seven he had taught himself to write and was constantly reading anything he could (Hunter). During Abe’s presidency he guided American through the biggest war in American history, the Civil War, and he maintained the Union and ended slavery. Before he had become the president he had been a lawyer in Illinois and a member of the United States House of Representatives (Abraham Lincoln ). In 1860 he won the nomination for the Republican Party and was elected a year after. During his presidency he focused mainly on the success of winning the war. He initiated the idea of his Emancipation Proclamation , the abolition of slavery, and advanced the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution (Gillam). When the war was coming closer to an end he was the first president to be assassinated. He closely oversaw the war attempt and selected the best generals. One of these officials was Ulysses S. Grant. Lincoln controlled the groups of the Republican Party good-naturedly and would influence disagreeing bureaucrats to cooperate. Abe productively resolved the Trent affair, a war fright with Britain (Beschloss). His leader ship of the Union later on gave the control of the border slave states during the beginning of the war. With all else going on he managed to organize his reelection in 1864. Those who opposed the war such as Copperheads, disapproved Lincoln for declining to cooperate on the compromise slavery. On the other hand, many also criticized him for not abolishing it soon enough. Even with having so many obstacles he developed his famous speech; his Gettysburg address. When the war was coming to and end he had an average opinion of Reconstruction and wanted to hurriedly bring the country through with a policy of substantial reconciliation (Norton). Abraham Lincoln will always be one of the top-rated and greatest American Presidents (Summers). Clarissa Harlowe Barton was born in North Oxford, Massachusetts to her parents Stephen and Sarah Barton. She was the youngest of five children and her father was respected as a politician, farmer and horse breeder (Faust). Clara was very shy but soared when it came to her studies. By the time she was four it was easy for her to spell complicated words (Faust). Just when Barton was eleven her brother, David, fell off a roof and became injured and ill. At the age of seventeen Clara became a teacher and six years later she founded her own school for mill workers children. After feeling the need to be educated more she enrolled at the Liberal institute in Clinton, New York for language and writing. Later after her studies at the liberal institute she opened up a free school in New Jersey. Under her leadership participation and attendance grew significantly (Faust). The school board did not hire her as the head but instead hired a man. During the Civil War Clara Barton was given the nickname â€Å"Angel of the Battlefield. † Clara Bartons work began after the Battle of Bull Run. She began an agency to get supplies to the wounded and in 1862 got permission to travel behind the lines (Faust). She eventually saw some of the worst during the sieges of Petersburg and Richmond but gave aid to those of both North and the South. By doing so she increased the comfort for those wounded and the odds of surviving were becoming greater. In 1864 Major General Benjamin Butler named her superintendent of the Union nurses. By the end of the war she started a bureau to help find soldiers M. I. A. She was much like Huck Finn off to search for a missing Jim for she never knew where they would be. Something like this had never happened before and she managed to find information on over 30,000 soldiers. The United States first national cemetery marks the graves of more than 13,000 of these unknown Union Soldiers (Faust). After the Civil War a doctor ordered her to go to Europe to take a break and while there learned about the Red Cross. So far twelve countries had agreed to sign the treaties to start the Red Cross but the U. S. was not one of them and promised that once she got back to her homeland she would rally to get it sign and establish it in the U. S (Faust). Not only did she bring the Red Cross back to America but she also expanded it to include giving assistance in any nation disaster. After the Civil War a doctor ordered her to go to Europe to take a break and while there learned about the Red Cross. So far twelve countries had agreed to sign the treaties to start the Red Cross but the U. S. was not one of them and promised that once she got back to her homeland she would rally to get it sign and establish it in the U. S (Faust). Not only did she bring the Red Cross back to America but she also expanded it to include giving assistance in any nation disaster. Over all Clara Barton and Abraham Lincoln are two good examples of American patriotism during the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln is most like Huckleberry Finn (Twain). He is fearless and does what he thinks is right above all else. Lincolns father seems to fit the role of Pap in his life and he strived to become more than his father (Twain). Clara Barton can be related to Hester from the Scarlet letter (Hawthorne). She is a strong woman but was very shy and somewhat outcast for being such a tom- boy. Clara was a woman and her scarlet letter would have been the fact that she was a woman and how that limited her (Hawthorne). Without these two prime figures of patriotism and strength our country would be far less then it is today.