Thursday, October 31, 2019

New hollywood Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

New hollywood Cinema - Essay Example Earlier on, there was the saying that this was the eventual death of Hollywood. This did not only prove to be greatly exaggerated but also a misguided conclusion. Hollywood reinvented itself once again to a new market as a new industry that flourished greatly in changing the marketplace of the media. Major studios that previously dominated the media such as Warner’s, MGM and Paramount continued to dominate the industry. The idea of a movie was still retained as the industry continued looking more complex as days went by. The term Hollywood Renaissance can thus be reduced to denote the adjustment from one period to the other: from classical to new Hollywood (Madsen 1975; Thompson & Bordwell 1994; Solomon 1976) One of the main reasons for Hollywood to retain its place was the rise of the blockbuster movie. In production values, market strategy and budgets, Hollywood changed to a hit driven industry from the early 1950’s. In classical Hollywood, studios would release a few prestige pictures yearly and then would relish an occasional runaway hit. The classical Hollywood would mainly rely on A-class features in order to generate revenue. In new Hollywood it changed from the occasional hit to the well calculated blockbuster. This would lead to changes in the way movies were produced and the thematic topics and styles used (Schaltz 1988; Mast 1992; schaltz 1981). This paper is going to look at the film â€Å"The Godfather† as a product of the new Hollywood era. It is going to examine the film in terms of its industrial, social, formal, political and cultural perspectives as a new Hollywood movie. Industrial perspective Arguably, â€Å"The Godfather† is the best movie of all times based on its level of sales and thematic relevance. It was heavily promoted and advertised. Its production was a big and it had very profitable returns. The godfather veered off the mainstream conventions of a movie when it portrayed a different view of the mafia. It showed the activities of the mafia from inside rather than the American conventional view of the mafia (De Stefano 2007; Schiach 1972; Steinberg 1980). As a new Hollywood film the godfather gained acclaim from across many cultures. Not only in the United States did the movie achieve a lot of success but also in Europe and other places in the world. It has become the best movie since 1965 in cinema attendance. It also sets the pace for other new Hollywood directors and actors. Mario Puzzo had the manuscript of the movie written and passed it on to Robert Evans the production head of paramount at the time. Previously, during the era of vertical integration in Hollywood, such a manuscript could not be taken from the big studios like paramount, played all the roles in the production of a film. In classical era only occasionally hits were released while other movies would be screened all year in the cinema (Lincoln 2005; Silverman 1988) In classical Hollywood, during production a film would be made to a beginning, middle and an end. The godfather defied this formula and didn’t have a definite beginning or events that signified a point of central tendency. However, it had an end similar to that of classical Hollywood era movies. The conventional style of classical Hollywood was such that the actors are used to motivate viewers

Monday, October 28, 2019

Cash flow stream Essay Example for Free

Cash flow stream Essay ?1. What is the present value of the following uneven cash flow stream ?$50, $100, $75, and $50 at the end of Years 0 through 3? The appropriate interest rate is 10%, compounded annually. PV=190.46 (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED) 2. We sometimes need to find out how long it will take a sum of money (or something else, such as earnings, population, or prices) to grow to some specified amount. For example, if a company’s sales are growing at a rate of 20% per year, how long will it take sales to double? It would take about 3. 801784 years before the sales double. (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED) 3. Will the future value be larger or smaller if we compound an initial amount more often than annually— for example, every 6 months, or semiannually—holding the stated interest rate constant? Why? It will be larger because it’s basically like adding on interest on top of interest as the frequency increases. 4. What is the effective annual rate (EAR or EFF %) for a nominal rate of 12%, compounded semiannually? Compounded quarterly? Compounded monthly? Compounded daily? EAR = (1 + Nominal Interest/Number of Period) ^Number of Period -1 SEMI ANNUALLY= (1+.12/2)^2-1=12.36% QUARTERLY= (1+.12/4)^4-1=12.55% MONTHLY= (1+.12/12)^12-1=12.68% DAILY= (1+.12/365)^365-1=12.75% 5. Suppose that on January 1 you deposit $100 in an account that pays a nominal (or quoted) interest rate of 11.33463%, with interest added (compounded) daily. How much will you have in your account on October 1, or 9 months later? OCT 1ST= 100*(1+.1133463/365) ^ (365*.75) = $108.87 6. What would be the value of the bond described above if, just after it had been issued, the expected inflation rate rose by 3 percentage points, causing investors to require a 13% return? Would we now have a discount or a premium bond? PV= $837.21 (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED) It would be considered a discounted bond because the present value is less than its face value. 7. What would happen to the bond’s value if inflation fell and rd declined to 7%? Would we now have a premium or a discount bond? PV= $1210.71 (SEE EXCEL FILE ATTACHED)Â  It would be considered a premium bond because the present value is more than the face value. 8. What is the yield to maturity on a 10-year, 9% annual coupon, $1,000 par value bond that sells for $887.00? That sells for $1,134.20? What does a bond selling at a discount or at a premium tell you about the relationship between rd and the bond’s coupon rate? RATE = 11% for a bond that sells for $887 and the RATE = 7% for a bond selling for $1134.20 9. What are the total return, the current yield, and the capital gains yield for the discount bond in Question #8 at $887.00? At $1,134.20? (Assume the bond is held to maturity and the company does not default on the bond.) The return for the $887 bond is 11% and the yield is 90/887 which equals 10.15%. The capital gain would be 11% 10.15%= .85% The return for the $1134.20 bond is 7% and the yield is 90/1134.20 which equals 7.9%. The capital gain would be 7% 7.9%= -.9%

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Factors Affecting The Rate Of Photosynthesis Biology Essay

Factors Affecting The Rate Of Photosynthesis Biology Essay The purpose of this experiment is to observe the factors affecting the Photosynthetic rate of leaves, which is measured in two ways. Firstly changing the light intensity, this will determine the rate of increase or decrease in photosynthesis. Secondly changing the availability of nutrients (Concentration of CO2) to the plants, this will directly affect the photosynthetic rate. To test the light intensity, an elodea submerged in a beaker was placed at different measurement away from the plant, to see if oxygen (bubbles) is produced. To test the availability of nutrients, different molarities of Sodium Bicarbonate was diluted in 500 ml of water with Elodea, to see if rate of photosynthesis increased or decreased. The result shows, as light intensity increases, the rate of reaction will increase at a proportional rate until a certain level is reached. At a light intensity of 400 the average increase in rate of reaction was 746v. At 4 the average increase in rate of reaction was 8676v, a difference of 7930v, which shows the rate of reaction is greatly influenced by light intensity. As the molarity of Sodium Bicarbonate increases, the rate of reaction will also increase at a proportional rate with respect to light intensity. At 0.05M the average increase in rate of reaction was 0.80r. At 0.1M the average increase in rate of reaction was 1.90r, a difference of 1.1r, which shows the rate of reaction is also significantly influenced by the availability of nutrients. Both light intensity and availability of nutrients are important factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. Aim To investigate how different factors affect the rate of photosynthesis. The variables that will be changed are different intensity of light and different molarities of Sodium bicarbonate and then measuring the rate of reaction (photosynthetic rate). Hypothesis Throughout this experiment the light intensity and different molarities of Sodium Bicarbonate will be varied. The variable that is measured will be time, for rate of reaction. As light intensity increases the rate of reaction will increase at a proportional rate. As the concentration of NaHCO3 increases the rate of the reaction will also increase at a proportional rate. Introduction Every species on earth needs some kind of energy source in order to survive. In animal cells, the mitochondria produce ATP from cellular respiration. However, the plant cells have a different type of center that produces energy-chloroplasts. Plants go through the process of photosynthesis. The main process of photosynthesis is the absorption of light by chlorophyll, found in leaves and the immersion of carbon dioxide from the environment, and together they produce oxygen and sugar (energy). The equation below represents the photosynthesis reaction: The purpose of this experiment is to test whether factors such as light intensity and level of Carbon dioxide, will affect the rate of photosynthesis, which are the two most important variables in the photosynthesis process. This was demonstrated by Robert Hill in 1938, known as The Hill Reaction. Robert Hill and his associates at the University of Illinois found that the photosynthetic rate varies with light intensity, and as the light intensity increases, the reaction rate also increases up to a certain point. Apparatus needed for the Experiment Elodea 20mm ² syringe Capillary tubing Stand Stopwatch Ruler NaHCO ³ Solution Bench lamp Distilled water Figure A) Potometer Method The apparatus is set (see Fig. A) with the syringe full of the 0.01M solution of NaHCO3 solution. Two marks 10cm apart are made on the capillary tubing. The syringe is placed 0.05m away from the lamp. Using the syringe plunger the meniscus of the NaHCO3 is set so that it is level with the first mark. A stopwatch is then started. The meniscus should gradually move down the capillary tube as the elodea produces oxygen as a by-product of photosynthesis. As the oxygen is produced it increases the pressure in the syringe and so the meniscus is pushed down the tube. Light Intensity = 1 / Distance ² (m) When the meniscus reaches the level of the bottom mark the stopwatch should be stopped. Light intensities have been worked out using the following equation: 6. Using the same piece of elodea and the same distance between the lamp and the syringe the experiment (steps 1 to 5) should be repeated for the other concentration of NaHCO3. 7. The experiment (steps 1 to 6) should then be repeated at each different distance between the syringe and the light for all the NaHCO3 concentrations. The remaining distances are 0.05m, 0.06m, 0.07m, 0.08m, 0.1m, 0.2m, 0.3m, and 0.5m. 8. The entire experiment should then be repeated three times in order to obtain more accurate data and to get rid of any anomalies that may occur in a single experiment. In order to make this experiment as accurate as possible a number of steps must be taken. The same piece of elodea should be used each time in order to make sure that each experiment is being carried out with the same leaf surface area. The amount of NaHCO3 solution should be the same for each experiment. 20mm ² should be used each time. The distance should be measured from the front of the lamp to the syringe. Although taking these steps will make the experiment more accurate, its accuracy is still limited by several factors. From these recorded times I will work out the rate of the reaction using the following equation. Rate of the Reaction = 1 / Time (s) Results Table1. (Average of the 4 trails of Molarity against Light intensity): Molarity of NaHCO3 Light Intensity 1/d ² (m) 0.00 (Distilled water) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.07 400 3571 1666 1099 523 200 278 1670 5183 988 600 375 204 4998 4485 1175 1005 473 156 5590 2300 1770 1445 621 100 9990 3150 2900 2552 1224 25 4762 3984 2850 1640 11 5945 4348 3780 2830 4 16480 11904 5196 6578 Using these results I worked out the rate Rate Of the Reaction = 1 / Time(s) x 1000 The rate was multiplied by 1000 to make the numbers easier to handle. Table2.Average of the 4 trails in rate of reaction: Molarity of NaHCO3 Light Intensity 1/d ² (m) 0.00 (Distilled water) 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.07 400 0.28 0.60 0.91 1.91 5.00 278 0.60 0.19 1.01 1.67 2.67 204 0.20 0.22 0.85 1.00 2.11 156 0.18 0.43 0.56 0.69 1.61 100 0.10 0.32 0.34 0.39 0.82 25 0.21 0.25 0.35 0.61 11 0.17 0.23 0.26 0.35 4 0.06 0.08 0.19 0.15 Light intensity against NaHCO3 Graph1. Analysis Discussion of Results Analysis: Distilled water: With the distilled water the rate of reaction went up from 0.1 to 0.4 when the light intensity was increased from 100 to 400. This is a 4 times rise which is quite large. The curve on the graph does however level out quite soon showing that the rate is being limited by the lack of NaHCO3 in the water. 0.01M NaHCO3: At a light intensity of 4 the rate is 0.06 but this rises to 0.6 when the light intensity is brought up to 400. The curve is very shallow and levels off towards a light intensity of 350 400. 0.02M NaHCO3: The amount of NaHCO3 is double that of the 0.01M NaHCO3 experiment. The rate also finishes off twice that of the 0.01M experiment. This would suggest that there was a directly proportional relationship between the amount of NaHCO3 and the rate of reaction. 0.05M NaHCO3: The curve for the 0.05M NaHCO3 is steeper than the previous curves. The rate rises to 1.9 at a light intensity of 400. 0.07M NaHCO3: The 0.07M NaHCO3 test produces a line which is steeper than all the previous curves. The plant is using the extra CO2 to photosynthesize more. As the plant has more CO2 the limiting factor caused by the lack of CO2 is reduced. This test did produce a big anomaly. The rate for a light intensity of 400 is 5. By following the line of best fit I can see that this result should be more like 3.5. The elodea for this test was very close to the light source. It is possible that it had been left here for a while which caused the lamp to heat the elodea up. This would have increased the rate of reaction of the plants enzymes which would have increased the photosynthesis rate. 0.1M NaHCO3: The 0.1M NaHCO3 produced the steepest line. Near the end of the line it looks as if the rate of reaction is hit by another limiting factor. The line goes up steadily but then between a light intensity of 300 and 400 levels off very quickly. This would suggest that at a 0.1M NaHCO3 is sufficient for the plant to photosynthesize at its maximum rate with its current environmental conditions. Increasing the NaHCO3 concentration after this level would therefore have no effect unless the next limiting factor was removed. Discussion: The hypothesis was that the rate of photosynthesis would increase if the light intensity and NaHCO3 levels were increased (please refer to Graph1). As the elodea absorbed the light and CO2 it produced oxygen gas which increased the pressure in the syringe. This pushed the air bubble in the capillary tube down. The chloroplasts produce ATP and reduce NADP to NADPH2 when exposed to light. It is at this stage of the reaction that oxygen is produced as a waste product, furthermore, the data collected was supported by the results obtained by Robert Hill and his associates at the University of Illinois, where they predicted, as the light intensity and NaHCO3 levels increased, the rate of photosynthesis will also increase up to a certain level (please refer to Graph2) As predicted when the light intensity increases so does the rate of photosynthesis. It was predicted that a level would be reached where increasing the light intensity would have no more effect on the rate of reaction as there would be some other limiting factor which limits the rate of the reaction. The rate increases at a steady rate as the light intensity increases until near the end of each line where the rate decreases. This is either because the photosynthesis reaction has reached its maximum rate of reaction or another factor is limiting the rate. As 6 different CO2 concentrations were used I can see that the first five reactions are not occurring at their maximum rate as there is the 0.1M NaHCO3 rest which is occurring at a faster rate then the other 5. The photosynthesis reactions of the other five tests must therefore be limited by the concentration of CO2 to the plant. As predicted when the NaHCO3 concentration is increased the plant in able to get more CO2 which causes the rate of reaction to go up. It was predicted that once the NaHCO3 had been raised above a certain level increasing the rate further would have no effect as there would be other limiting factors limiting the rate of the reaction. As the NaHCO3 concentration the water was increased the rate of photosynthesis also increased. The plant therefore made more oxygen as a waste product. At a NaHCO3 concentration of 0.1M once the light intensity gets above 300 the rate of reaction decreases significantly. This could be because photosynthesis is occurring at its maximum possible rate or because another limiting factor is restraining the rate of reaction. The fact that the curve levels off so quickly indicates that there is another limiting factor restraining photosynthesis. It could be temperature. These tests are being carried out at room temperature so the temperature would have to be raised another 15 °C before the enzymes in the plants cells were at their optimum working temperature. More tests could be done by using water that was at a higher temperature to see what effect this would have on the photosynthesis rate. It is however impossible to raise the plants temperature without affect other factors. For instance the actual amount of oxygen released by the plant is slightly more than the readings would suggest as some of the oxygen would dissolve into the water. At a higher temperature less oxygen would be able to dissolve into the water so the readings for the photosynthesis rate could be artificially increased. It is also possible that the photosynthetic reactions in the plant are occurring at their maximum possible rate and so cannot be increased any more. The light is probably not a limiting factor as all but one of the curves level off before the maximum light intensity of 400 is reached. The maximum light intensity that the plants can handle is therefore just below 400.Water will not be a limiting factor as the plants are living in water. They therefore have no stomata and absorb all their CO2 by diffusion through the leaves. Graph1. Light intensity against NaHCO3 MY RESULTS Graph2. Light intensity against NaHCO3 SOURCE Limitations and Improvement The accuracy of this experiment is limited by a number of factors. Some of the oxygen give off is used for respiration by the plant. Some of the oxygen dissolved into the water. Some was used by small invertebrates that were found living within the pieces of elodea. The higher light intensities should be quite accurate but the smaller light intensities would be less accurate because the light spreads out. The elodea will also get background light from other experiments. The lights are also a source of heat which will affect the experiments with only a small distance between the light and the syringe. This heating could affect the results. Using the same piece of elodea for each experiment was impractical as the elodeas photosynthesis rate decreased over time. By using a different piece of elodea for each experiment did create the problem of it being impossible for each piece to have the same surface area. This experiment could be improved in a number of ways. It could be repeated more times to help get rid of any anomalies. A better overall result would be obtained by repeating the experiment more times because any errors in one experiment should be compensated for by the other experiments. Each person should have done their experiments in a different room to cut out all background light. All the experiments should be done sequentially. A perspex screen could have been placed between the light and the syringe to reduce any heating effect that the light may have. The experiment could have been carried out with higher NaHCO3 to see if increasing the concentration would increase the rate of photosynthesis, or if a concentration of 0.1M NaHCO3 produces the maximum rate of photosynthetic reaction. Conclusion The intention of this experiment was to investigate different factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. The hypothesis was, as light intensity increases the rate of reaction will increase at a proportional rate. As the concentration of NaHCO3 increases the rate of the reaction will also increase at a proportional rate. This was correct, supported by the data collected which shows at a light intensity of 400 the average increase in rate of reaction was 746v. At 4 the average increase in rate of reaction was 8676v, a difference of 7930v, which shows the rate of reaction is greatly influenced by light intensity. This was demonstrated by Robert Hill and his associates, with similar results to this experiment, which they found that the photosynthetic rate varies with light intensity, and as the light intensity increases, the reaction rate also increases up to a certain point.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Islamic Religion Essays -- Islam Religion Religion Essays History

Islamic Religion Islam has been characterized inequitably by historians and the media as a religion of violence. Islam was mainly spread through Arab territorial conquests. Upon examination, it is not fair to make the generalization that Islam is a religion of violence. One can see when looking at world religion on a whole that Islam was no more violent than any other religion. In fact, not only is Islam not a fundamentally violent philosophy, but we can also see that many other religions normally considered "non-violent," such as Christianity or Hinduism, have been spread through bloody conquest. Thus, in searching for a universal constant of history, we should not fall into the "fallacy of abstractions," and assume that because of isolated incidents and conflicts of territorial ambitions, that all religions have violent tendencies. Throughout the centuries Islam has been a victim of circumstance. It has been perceived by many as oppressive and cruel. This belief originated over a thousand years ago, when Islamic people first threatened the western world. As they slowly undermined Byzantine authority, Christians became terrified of their presence, resulting in widespread animosity and aversion. Hindus and Buddhists from the South Asian subcontinent lived under Islamic law for hundreds of years. Eventually, in the twentieth century, split the region into angry factions. Mohammed, the prophet of Islam, was a great warrior. This invariably led defeated people to believe that he begot a cult of war and violence. Over the centuries, it has developed the ability to instill a sense of holy purpose onto its believers and soldiers, where they go into a battle of certain death for their faith in the holy war. The holy war is still a potent source of conflict and aversion, as many of the problems in the Middle East center around the issue of Islamic Fundamentalism and the holy wars. Originally, Islam was perceived by western historians as a religion of violence and conquest, "by preying on the caravans of the Quraish, Mohammed weakened them to the point of submission† (Anonymous, 1996). In fact, Mohammed was a warrior, aristocrat, and brilliant strategist, a stark contrast to many other holy men of history. He was forced to both defend his cities and force submission. Because of the strong military powers of his religious predecessors and oppresso... ...hile Hinduism remained relatively non-violent throughout the centuries, when the first Muslim invaders appeared and they clashed in both a philosophical and violent sense. Hindu violence returned in the mid-twentieth century, when they finally regained control of India. They smashed a Muslim temple at Ayodhya, and Sikh and Tamil rebel groups rebel against their authority. What is even more notable about Hinduism, is its rigid caste system, in which peoples have set social classes that are totally unchangeable and are products of the religion. The untouchables were considered as low as animals, and forced to do menial work such as sweeping and leather working. They were forced into a life of separatism and the rest of Hindu culture either ignored them completely or hated them. On the other side of the world, in Central America, the Aztec people were powerful warriors, who swept across the Mexican plains, conquering villages and whole peoples. Their religion consisted of brutal hum an sacrifices of enemy slaves, in fact the sacrifices grew so many in number that they were watching their population decline significantly, which eventually allowed the Spanish invaders to dominate them.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How national and local guidelines affect day to day work Essay

National and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding that affect a practitioner’s day to day work relating to; Childcare practice The Education Act 2002 poses a duty on education authorities to promote and safeguard the welfare of children and young people. This affects my day to day work as I must be aware of the child protection procedures at all times, such as how to spot the signs of abuse, how and who to report my concerns, how to maintain a safe school environment, be aware of the health and safety of children and to be able to undertake any training required of me. Child Protection In my settings policies and procedures for safeguarding it states that all employees, volunteers and students should be properly vetted, which includes checks into the eligibility and the suitability, and that crb checks should be carried out. If I didn’t produce a crb check to make sure I didn’t have any criminal convictions or to check my suitability to work with children and young people then I would not be allowed to work in my setting. Risk assessment Risk assessments are an important factor in safeguarding children and in my day to day work, before I carry out any activity with children and young people I am required through my setting policies and procedures to carry out a risk assessment first to make sure all involved is safe, for example, if I were to plan an activity, such as an art and craft activity I would need to risk assess the potential danger of scissors, small objects, i.e beads and amend my plan accordingly to suit each individual. Ensuring the voice of the child or young person is heard Advocacy safeguards children and young people and protects them from abuse and poor practice. The government developed national standards for advocacy practice to ensure that children are able to speak out and have their views heard. The national Standards for the provision of children’s advocacy 2002Â  is this standard. This affects my day to day work as I need to know how to access advocacy services should a child require it and a child can request that I act as an advocate for them and in that case I will need to know where to look for support from the advocacy services. Supporting children and young people and others who may be expressing concerns Following my settings policies and procedures, if a child or young person were to express any concerns I would in my day to day work show a child that I am taking them seriously, that I am here to listen and have empathy, I would reassure the child that I will help in any way I can, I would record the conversation following the correct procedure, I would not make promises, or say that what has been discussed is confidential, I will not come to my own conclusions or ask questions and I would seek support and advice from the designated child protection officer.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essays

One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essays One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Essay Essay Topic: One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest The most important similarity between the book and the movie is the constant battle between McMurphy and Nurse Ratched. They are constantly trying to gain an edge over each other to have control over the patients. This happens in both the book and the movie. McMurphy ends up becoming the biggest influence until he is killed at the end. Nurse Ratched ends up winning the battle by outlasting McMurphy, but also loses because McMurphys’ influence has changed the attitudes of the patients forever. The ending to the book and the movie is also a great similarity between the two. Nurse Ratched makes Billy Bibbit feel guilty to the point where he kills himself. McMurphy ends up choking Nurse Ratched in the book and the movie. Then Nurse Ratched turns McMurphy into a vegetable by taking part of McMurphys’ brain out. Bromden can tell McMurphy is not the same after he comes back and does not like it. He misses the old McMurphy so he kills McMurphy. After Bromden kills McMurphy he escapes from t it is society who dictated norms and urges conformity, while those individuals who reject societal views and pressures are the ones deemed insane. Ken Kesey wove a similar mirror image of society and asylums into his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest which tells the story of a cowboy-like outlaw named Randall McMurphy who is introduced into a mental institution to contain his behavior but instead incites rebellion among the patients who suffer under the overbearing Big Nurse and aides like Doctor Spivey. McMurphy, Chief Bromden, and Harding represent a uniqueness or variation of humanity and personality discarded by society and pressured into conformity by Big Nurse, a puppet of modern truths, and Doctor Spivey, a bystander resembling the typical American.

Monday, October 21, 2019

French Subjunctive - Le Subjonctif

French Subjunctive - Le Subjonctif French Subjunctive - Le subjonctif Students of French tend to agree that the subjunctive is the most difficult French verb form, which is why I have over a dozen pages of lessons and info on the French subjunctive to help you learn all about it. While this is good for your French learning, it can make it more difficult for you to find the lesson you need - here is a simple index that can help. Definitions Subjunctive  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Verb mood  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Verb tense Subjunctive Conjugations Regular verbs  Ã‚  |  Ã‚  Irregular verbs Subjunctive Usage Using the subjunctiveSpecial uses of the subjunctiveAvoiding the subjunctiveDoes ___ need the subjunctive? Ask the Subjunctivator! Subjunctive Tenses Present subjunctivePast subjunctiveImperfect subjunctivePluperfect subjunctiveFuture subjunctiveVerb timeline Subjunctive Tests Regular verb conjugationsIrregular verb conjugationsSubjunctive or indicative?Translation exerciseTest on the past subjunctive

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Colonel Chivington

Biography of Colonel Chivington Free Online Research Papers Colonel Chivington was a broad and beastly man. He was tall, yet not. He was kind, yet horrible. He loved his people, but hated the indians, those poor indians. COlonel Chivngton felt that the sioux tribe was especially annoying becasue they loved nature. They loved trees. They loved rocks. They loved each other. They mounted trees, rocks, and each other. On a daily basis of course. Women were pregnant non stop so they had to get large needles from nearby party store to perform their own abortions. They simply jabbed a large needle into they womens womb and killed the many children that lie ahead. One day Colonel Chivington was taking his normal walk with his sluty mistress, and before they decided to unclothe each other, they saw this horrible ritual of the Sioux. Ever since that day, COlonel Chivington has hated them for their sluttiness and childlessness. he decided to brutally murder all of them. I am sure you are wondering, how can there be a sioux tribe when they kill all their children? Well they are all old and wrinkly indians. Their sex involves paper cliping their wrinkly fat up, and the women have to use extra paper clips for their boobs which at any moment could touch the ground. Anyway, Colonel chvington snuck up on the tribe on night, carrying a box of paperclips to bang a couple of the old hags. Then, he scalped the poor poor tribe, and snuck off with one of the younger more attractive women. She was the only child, eight years old, and was perfect for his next mistress. They ran off to the hills and had hippie love sex everyday. Then Shouidhfbc (the mistress of eight) found out she was pregnant. becoming the horrible man he was Colonel Chivington threw Shouidhfbc down a hill, climbed down to her and scalped her. He mounted her scalp on his wall at home and when asked by his wife what the F*^ that was, he said it was a animal who he F(*^%$ out of pity. He said it was a monkey. His wife was disturbed but just left well enough alone. So this story changes from Colonel CHivington into the spread of hiv/aids. Research Papers on Biography of Colonel ChivingtonPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCapital PunishmentThe Spring and AutumnThe Fifth HorsemanCanaanite Influence on the Early Israelite Religion19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBringing Democracy to AfricaWhere Wild and West MeetMind Travel

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Psycho-sexual theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Psycho-sexual theory - Research Paper Example Phallic stage is the third and comes between the ages of three years to the age of six years. Here the child starts to get to understand their bodies and the bodies of other people who may include other children and their parents. At this stage, the children start exploring and get the difference between male and female genital organs. Latent is the fourth stage in the theory context of psychosexual theory which continues from the age of six when the child goes to school all the way to puberty stage, here the libido context is transferred from the child to the parent of the same sex, friends and clubs. The final stage of the theory is the genital stage, this starts at the age of puberty all through to adolescence to the entire life of the individual. Here the individual now develops self-interest in the friends and people of the opposite sex. The focus in this gist is on the pleasure of the genitals. From the stages discussed above, the individual develops high libido interest and en ergy as a result he is mostly attracted to the company or people of the opposite sex and is so inferior whenever he/she comes into contact or deals with any matter to do with people of the opposite sex (Sigmund 27). ... The lady is a traitor but not she is willing to, but because the Quantum company has taken her lover and the deal they agreed that if she does not cooperate with them well they will kill him. Here the context of psychosexual theory comes out well clear in that vesper is ready to do anything including turning against her company employers will and grant the favor to the Quantum who are the opponent just to rescue her lover in hostage. This shows that the genital energy that is in possession of a woman is so strong and has taken over her control. In the team designed by vesper and bond, vesper to some kind finds the ego of bond as skeptical and not willing to cooperate with him in the poker game in the casino. Afterwards she helps bond in his struggle with albano, she does so by knocking the gun away. In these occasions, Vesper shows his concern to this man which verify her erogenous interest in the male individuals. James bond in return opts to kiss the blood off the hand of Vesper ju st to show his concern for her. The context also reveals and comes out well when James Bond is struggling to connect the defibrillator, which is external and automatic to his key wire, despite the fact that Vesper is a traitor, she assists him in connecting and relieves him from the stress. She also portrayed the interest on bond by saving him when the Le Chifffres girlfriend poisoned him. On the other hand, James bond also portrayed interest by the act of kissing the blood on her hands which resulted to because of saving him when he was struggling with Steven Obanno. Chiffres work for the Quantum Company and he had disappointed them for misappropriating their funds in the poker games. Bond wins the poker game and as a result, chiffres becomes so annoyed that he

Friday, October 18, 2019

Virgin bed & breakfast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virgin bed & breakfast - Essay Example There has been provided the analysis of the difference between the underlying profit and the statutory profit of the virgin bed and breakfast. The estimated profit with the tax of ?481m is ?110m. This recorded as being high because of the increased interest charged on the B&B working capital faculty and the government loan plus the size of lower balance sheet (Taparia, 2003 Pg. 38). Income statement information for the six months is restated according to an interim financial report that would provide consistence with the restatement in the 2013 annual reports and accounts for B&B and Virgin. Summary Income Statement 4 months to 30 May 2013 4 months to 30 may2012* 12 months to 31 December 2012 1000? 1000? 1000? Fundamental Net Interest Income Fundamental net non interest income** 723.1 900.9 1,722.4 39.0 14.7 36.5 Fundamental net operating Ongoing administrative Deficiency on loans and advances to customers Net deficiency on investment securities 637.3 816.4 1,533.4 (103.5) (104.5) (2 31.2) 7.3 3.2 57.5 Unrealized fair price movements on financial instruments Hedge vanity Other net administrative expenses - Provision for customer restore Gain on rebuying of capital instruments Profit on disposal of credit linked notes (43.9) (12.8) 79.2 (23.5) (34.4) (75.2) 3.1) (65.2) (65.0) - - - - 348.1 Statutory profit before taxation 347 550 1,298.2 The Virginia will apply some derivative financial equipment for economic purposes. Some of the instruments made and accounted for the compliant fair value. If the effective fair value is established, the movement fair value movement of the derivative is set in part or in full by the value of the edged instrument. In the virgin B&B, basis swaps are designated into a cash flow hedge. The active customer contact program for all unsecured loan payment protection is keenly observed. For the pest analysis, the Virgin has established some strongholds for its survival. Some established mechanisms of survival that would ensure that the vi rgin bed and breakfast would achieve its objectives. Several proposals have been made for the favour of the industry. Through the proposed functioning of the government departments and agencies, the virgin B&B would establish its objectives. The UK government has proposed some tax proposal that may be an increase of 5-10% that would make the UK one of the highest tax holiday destinations. This would cause a decrease for people coming into England but could increase our sales, as we will have prices below average. In addition to this, There could be an increase in travel to the UK which is due to exchange rates being low and thus and increase in customers for our B&B. Change of trends towards luxury hotels or camping and other alternative ways of travelling may influence our sales. In the side of technology, In the future, businessperson may require expensive technologies and consequently would not be able to provide all the essential facilities for our target customers needs. Balanc e Sheet Assets Q1 Ending 31st September 201 Q2 Q3 Q4 Cash/Overdraft 30,290.00 60,389.60 60,389.60 60,389.60 Total assets 30,290.00 60,389.60 60,389.60 60,389.60 And Stockholders' Equity Shareholder’s Capital 50,000. 50,000.00 50,000.00 50,000.00 Owners Equity 19,710.00 10,389.60 10,389.6 10,389.60 Total Liab 30,290.00 60,389.60 60,389.60 60,389.60 Bed & Breakfasts can have a great competitive advantage to the other Hotels in UK; this takes the advantage of

Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Supply Chain Management - Essay Example Supply chain management (SCM) system is an integrated system in which different business processes are integrated for different business operations. Different firms like airlines, hospitality, oil and gas, medical, defense and many other logistics firms are deeply interested in the implementation of a robust and automated supply chain management system. SCM involves acquisition of raw materials, the transformation of raw materials into final products. SCM adds value in the business and involves distribution and promotion of final products in the markets. SCM plays a vital role in the exchange of information among business partners like vendors, suppliers, retailers, distributors etc. The main purpose of supply chain management system is to enhance the efficiency and profitability. SCM is also vital in order to gain market leverage or competitive leverage. Supply Chain Management can be defined as â€Å"the integration of key business processes from end-users through original supplie rs that provide products, services, and information and add value for customers and other stakeholders† (Lambert et al., 1998). In supply chain the two important business processes are 1. Inbound logistics 2. Outbound logistics Inbound logistic is also called as material management. The inbound logistics involves the acquisition of raw materials or supplies. ... The different activities of outbound logistics consist of order the product, inventory management and deployment, the storage and handling of the purchased products, transportation, pricing, support in order to promote a product, handling of the returned products and complete life cycle support. The combination of activities of inbound and outbound logistics represents a web or network of the business networks and the relationships among these business networks. During a supply chain management different stakeholders are involved like vendors, distributors, retailers, customers and other third parties associated with SCM. It is very difficult to conceptualize the whole process of Supply Chain Process in a single model because it is very difficult to capture all the real world dimensions or scenarios of SCM in a single model but the process is not so much complicated and surely it has certain solutions. There is not a thorough way to find out the scope of the supply chain problem in a firm except the guidelines which are comprised of competitive strategy, tactical plans and operational routines. There are certain problems issues which are faced during supply chain management process like choosing location, analysis of product demand, distribution process of the finished product, the business partners or strategic alliances, the ways to develop an innovative product, adoption of innovative technologies like IT/IS/E-Commerce, supplier or vendor selection, price planning and restructuring of the business network. The problems or issues encountered in a supply chain management system are generally of two types i.e. strategic and tactical in nature and the problems associated

Using Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Using Technology - Assignment Example en dealing with problems involving quadrilaterals, I will create an applet showing the processes of constructing a quadrilateral on an area equal to a given quadrilateral. Secondly, I will use the GeoGebra Software when introducing the concept of function. Here, I will include a GeoGebra applet to identify changing and unchanging quantities in addition to determining the relationship between two varying quantities. Third, I will use the software in investigating the coordinates of points. I will use GeoGebra’s point tool to locate various points, interpret the coordinates and make generalizations. One of the challenges facing users of the GeoGebra Software is complexity. Learners have difficulties using the program to achieve effective learning of mathematics. Overcoming this challenge involve teaching students basic mathematics of the topic before teaching them how to use the software. Secondly, using GeoGebra Software is sometimes time-consuming because I will need to train learners on how to use it after teaching them the fundamental concepts of the topic. To overcome this problem, teachers should encourage constant practice among learners. The third challenge constitutes the possibility of developing negative attitudes towards the software by students. This challenge can be overcome by demonstrating the necessity and effective use of the software in achieving the objectives of learning mathematics. The GeoGebra software is critical in learning mathematics. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners. The challenges facing users of the software include complexity, time constraints, and negative attitudes by learners. Teachers should strive to overcome these challenges in order to enhance the applicability of GeoGebra in teaching/learning

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Professional Challenge-Contemporary Issues and Policies Assignment

Professional Challenge-Contemporary Issues and Policies - Assignment Example In other words, the private health agencies work with the profit motive where as the public health agencies aim for meeting the social obligations. Hence, any change in the health care policy affects significantly the efficiency of public health organization which in turn would influence the health care of the people. In the present paper, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of current health care issues and policies on the performance of public health care organization i.e. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), United States of America. VA meets the social obligations by providing a wide range of benefits including, education and training, disability, vocational rehabilitation and employment, dependant and survivor benefits, burial benefits, medical treatment and life insurance. At the same time, VA provides benefits only to some selected and defined sections of the people like veteran, Veterans dependent, surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased Veteran and uniformed service members. The national health care policy has always been designed keeping the overall welfare of the all the sections of the society in to consideration. For example, a joint VA and Department of Defense program was initiated which provides service members the opportunity to file claims for disability compensation up to 180 days prior to retirement from active duty or full time National Guard or Reserve duty which is very useful for the veterans under emergency circumstances. The national health care policy also facilitated the operatio n of ambulatory care & community based The economic burden of implementing new health care policies is the main factor that decides the success of the organization like VA. Day by day the needs of the patients have been growing necessitating higher number of out door units and ambulance services incurring additional costs. The national health care policy of USA has been ensuring that the

Recollection. Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recollection. Socrates - Essay Example According to Socrates, the body acts as a prison confining the souls. In this state, the soul is limited in its quest to explore knowledge which is unchanging, unpredictable, and eternal. This is because when the soul is imprisoned within the body, it is forced to explore truth through the reception organs of the body which has its deficiency that prevents the soul from seeing what is real (Plato and Jowett 70). This article presents a critical response of the argument that Socrates puts forth for supporting his premise - since learning is a by-means of recollection, the soul must have existed separately before being joined to the body. Step in Socrates Argument Socrates shows that it is possible for the soul to exist before the body. He explains this through the theory of recollection. He bases his argument on the fact that it is possible for a person to give a correct answer when asked a question which he may not have had prior knowledge about the issue. This implies that people ar e born with some knowledge within them, and this means that the soul or the mind existed before birth. He illustrates this in a number of steps. First, he gives his opinion on how it would be wonderful if the soul is dissipated to nothingness in death. This is because death would be an eternal sleep undisturbed with worrying dreams; death would be a big blessing to humankind. But he argues that this is not the case. He illustrate that the soul is immortal existing before birth, and it continues to live even when the mortal body dies. He says that the belief in dispersion of the soul is a childish belief. He initially shows the immortality of the soul by outlining the cynical argument. He asserts that if it is true that the living originated from the dead, then it must be that the souls of people live in the other world. If they did not, then it would not be possible for them to be born again. He further gives examples of how opposite originates from the opposite (Plato and Jowett 71 ). For example, hot from cold, awake and asleep, up and down. One has to fall asleep in order to wake up, cold things can become hot and vice versa. This means that opposite must come from the opposites. This means that for the life to come from the dead there should be some aspect of life in the dead. He thus concludes that the dead are generated from the living through the process of death. The living, on the other hand, is generated from the dead through the process of birth. It is therefore prudent to conclude that the soul of the dead must exit somewhere when the person dies and they come back to the living when a new child is born. From this Socrates affirms his theory of learning through recollection. This is due to the fact that the soul has been reborn several times and has lived in this universe for many years; therefore, it has amassed a lot of knowledge. He concluded that all learning is just but recollection and no new knowledge is added to the mind since the soul knows it all. He further illustrates this through the use of the Mono slave boy who showed to have geometric knowledge even though they had not had this kind of learning before. He thus asserts that the body and soul are two separate entities. The body, he says, is mortal and after death is seen as the corpse. The soul, on the other hand, is divine, immortal and invisible; therefore, it outlasts the body. During the period when the soul is separated from the body (after death before rebirth), the soul is able to see life in its fullness without being limited by the body (Plato and Jowett 72). Socrates therefore sees death as a form of liberation which, for a philosophical mind, is a major

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Using Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Using Technology - Assignment Example en dealing with problems involving quadrilaterals, I will create an applet showing the processes of constructing a quadrilateral on an area equal to a given quadrilateral. Secondly, I will use the GeoGebra Software when introducing the concept of function. Here, I will include a GeoGebra applet to identify changing and unchanging quantities in addition to determining the relationship between two varying quantities. Third, I will use the software in investigating the coordinates of points. I will use GeoGebra’s point tool to locate various points, interpret the coordinates and make generalizations. One of the challenges facing users of the GeoGebra Software is complexity. Learners have difficulties using the program to achieve effective learning of mathematics. Overcoming this challenge involve teaching students basic mathematics of the topic before teaching them how to use the software. Secondly, using GeoGebra Software is sometimes time-consuming because I will need to train learners on how to use it after teaching them the fundamental concepts of the topic. To overcome this problem, teachers should encourage constant practice among learners. The third challenge constitutes the possibility of developing negative attitudes towards the software by students. This challenge can be overcome by demonstrating the necessity and effective use of the software in achieving the objectives of learning mathematics. The GeoGebra software is critical in learning mathematics. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners. The challenges facing users of the software include complexity, time constraints, and negative attitudes by learners. Teachers should strive to overcome these challenges in order to enhance the applicability of GeoGebra in teaching/learning

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Recollection. Socrates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Recollection. Socrates - Essay Example According to Socrates, the body acts as a prison confining the souls. In this state, the soul is limited in its quest to explore knowledge which is unchanging, unpredictable, and eternal. This is because when the soul is imprisoned within the body, it is forced to explore truth through the reception organs of the body which has its deficiency that prevents the soul from seeing what is real (Plato and Jowett 70). This article presents a critical response of the argument that Socrates puts forth for supporting his premise - since learning is a by-means of recollection, the soul must have existed separately before being joined to the body. Step in Socrates Argument Socrates shows that it is possible for the soul to exist before the body. He explains this through the theory of recollection. He bases his argument on the fact that it is possible for a person to give a correct answer when asked a question which he may not have had prior knowledge about the issue. This implies that people ar e born with some knowledge within them, and this means that the soul or the mind existed before birth. He illustrates this in a number of steps. First, he gives his opinion on how it would be wonderful if the soul is dissipated to nothingness in death. This is because death would be an eternal sleep undisturbed with worrying dreams; death would be a big blessing to humankind. But he argues that this is not the case. He illustrate that the soul is immortal existing before birth, and it continues to live even when the mortal body dies. He says that the belief in dispersion of the soul is a childish belief. He initially shows the immortality of the soul by outlining the cynical argument. He asserts that if it is true that the living originated from the dead, then it must be that the souls of people live in the other world. If they did not, then it would not be possible for them to be born again. He further gives examples of how opposite originates from the opposite (Plato and Jowett 71 ). For example, hot from cold, awake and asleep, up and down. One has to fall asleep in order to wake up, cold things can become hot and vice versa. This means that opposite must come from the opposites. This means that for the life to come from the dead there should be some aspect of life in the dead. He thus concludes that the dead are generated from the living through the process of death. The living, on the other hand, is generated from the dead through the process of birth. It is therefore prudent to conclude that the soul of the dead must exit somewhere when the person dies and they come back to the living when a new child is born. From this Socrates affirms his theory of learning through recollection. This is due to the fact that the soul has been reborn several times and has lived in this universe for many years; therefore, it has amassed a lot of knowledge. He concluded that all learning is just but recollection and no new knowledge is added to the mind since the soul knows it all. He further illustrates this through the use of the Mono slave boy who showed to have geometric knowledge even though they had not had this kind of learning before. He thus asserts that the body and soul are two separate entities. The body, he says, is mortal and after death is seen as the corpse. The soul, on the other hand, is divine, immortal and invisible; therefore, it outlasts the body. During the period when the soul is separated from the body (after death before rebirth), the soul is able to see life in its fullness without being limited by the body (Plato and Jowett 72). Socrates therefore sees death as a form of liberation which, for a philosophical mind, is a major

Soft Drinks Essay Example for Free

Soft Drinks Essay Soft drink consumption has increased substantially over the last 50 years and it has been established that using large amounts of soft drinks regularly can be detrimental to your health. If used in moderation soft drinks can have some beneficial effects on your body. Caffeine Benefits Caffeine is a stimulant that is found in soft drinks. It large amounts can have detrimental effects on your health but it also has numerous benefits. Caffeine stimulates your central nervous system, helps breakdown fatty acids in your liver, boost your mood and alleviate headaches. People who regularly ingest caffeine are less likely to develop Parkinsons disease, colon cancer, gallstones, and cirrhosis of the liver. Sponsored Links 5 Foods you must not eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods. Trimdownclub. com Carbonated Water Carbonated water is a primary ingredient of soft drinks. Carbonated water was created by Joseph Priestly in the year 1767 and has since proven to have many benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. Carbonated water eases stomachaches, quells nausea and has been proven to alleviate constipation. Sodium Benefits Sodium is another product found in soft drinks. Sodium is an important mineral found in almost all natural foods. Sodium helps your body retain water, helps avoid and treat muscle cramps, keeps electrolyte balance, prevents the effects of aging of your skin and prevents your the drop of your blood pressure. Sponsored Links Read more: http://www. livestrong. com/article/260283-what-are-the-benefits-of-soft-drinks.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of Hemisphericity In Activating Teaching Style Education Essay

Role Of Hemisphericity In Activating Teaching Style Education Essay The most distinctive feature of modern society is science based technology. The changes that occur as a result of the impact of its are called as modernization. This modernization has affected teaching .learning in many ways. Modern teaching learning is giving importance to students activity. It is called student centered approach. In a traditional society the aim of teaching learning acquisition of knowledge. But in modern society the main aim of teaching learning is not only acquisition of knowledge but also the awakening of curiosity, the stimulation of creativity the development of proper interest, attitude and values and the building of essential skills such as independent study teaching learning in the modern society is to keep pace with the achievement of knowledge and skills. According to Dictionary of Education (2005, p.521) learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and belief through experience. Learning takes place when students interact with others and with environment by observing, talking, listening discussing, writing and relating their own ideas and experiences with others.(Reddy, 2006, p.11). Piagets (1964, p.17) describes learning is subordinated to development and not vice versa. He explained development as the active construction of knowledge and learning as the passive formation of association. He was interested in knowledge construction and believes that cognitive development came before learning. According to his view child cannot learn a concept before they are cognitively ready. Here by the term cognitively ready he means development of child. Cognitive development takes place first then they become able to learn where as Vygotsky believed that learning is an active process and it did not wait for readiness. Vygotsky, (1978, p.90) said properly organized learning results in mental development and sets in motion a variety of developmental process that would be impossible apart from learning. He saw learning as a tool in development. Learning pulls development up to higher level and social interaction is a key in learning. So in this way learning can be defined as an individual as well as socialactivity. Learning takes place as a result of experience. For example a first grade student sings, twinkle twinkle little star and second grade student leaves hot spoon immediately. First case is the example of learning while second case is not the example of learning, whats the difference between the examples of learning and not learning? The difference is the experience. In other words the first grade students behavior is the result of his experience. He was not biologically programmed to sing twinkle twinkle little star and leaving hot spoon is reflexive activity. The learning is what students do, teaching is what the teacher can teach. The improvement in teaching can be demonstrated if there is improvement in learning. As observed by prof.R.S. Adams and others students may learn what the teacher intended them to; they may not. Teachers like others are fallible,then may not always teach correctly. It Follows them that in any learning situation students may learn correctly what the teacher taught incorrectly or may learn incorrectly what the teacher taught correctly or fortunately the opposites. 1.2 TEACHING AND LEARNING Teaching and Learning are interlinked. The teacher teaches and students learn. Teaching learning has four aspects they are teacher, student, learning process figure1.1 explained The process in the interaction between student and the teacher Teacher development Pupil Learning Process and learning situation. The teacher creates the learning situation for the student. The process in the interaction between student and the teacher. This interaction is explained in the figure1.1 Teaching learning is influenced by the totality of the learning environmental situation. This interaction is possible through three way communication. This results is behavior changes in the learner. This is diagrammatically explained in the figure1.2 The teacher guiding their students in eight step. *Step 12 communication from the teacher to the learner. *Step 3 to 5 from learner to teacher. *Step 6 to 8 again from teacher to learner. Through this 3 way communication teacher could teach is a linear manner. On the other hand learner can know how well his learning is progressing and how he can success in his way of learning. The teaching components and learning components are interlinked. Teaching objectives are successful only when the learning outcomes coincide within it. The components of teaching learning are given below. 1.2.1.COMPONENTS OF LEARNING PROCESS *Task to be learned. *Characteristics of the task to be learned. * Characteristics of the learner. *Conditions under which effective learning takes place. 1.2.2.COMPONENTS OF TEACHING PROCESS: *Instructional goals. *Entering behavior. *Instructional procedures. *Performance assessment. 1.3.ROLE OF BRAIN IN LEARNING: Brain study research identifies the left brain is the academic brain. It is because educators generally emphasize its process in a traditional class room. It has some limitations in learning on the other hand the right brain is the artistic brain because it is the center for creative talents. Though science and medicines now give more attention to these brain process, education has traditionally neglected the right side, learning half of a students brain potential under educated. Nowadays more school systems are using whole brain learning technique. The brain study shows that learning can be flourished only when teachers make their students to integrate use both sides of their brain is a lesson. For Example in Kg classes, Teachers who use music, Dance, Story telling, Drama or other right brain activities in their class which trigger the left brain students. Their learning capabilities can be increased but in the primary section the teacher can use traditional teaching which reduce t he right brain activities. When right brain teacher teaches left brain students it affects the achievement of the learner. So the teacher should be whole brained their only he can produce right brain and whole brain dominated students. The present study has two phases. *First phase the matching between teaching and learning. *Second phase Brain dominance of the students and teacher. 1.4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The problem for the present study is titled as compatibility between teaching style and learning style with reference to hemisphericity. 1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Teaching Style: Teaching Style defined by Fisher and Fisher(1979) as a pervasive way of approaching the learners that might be consistent with several methods of teaching Gregorc(1979) Teaching Style consists of an instructors personal behavior and the media used to transmit or receive data to or from the learner. LEARNING STYLE: Cornett defined learning style as a a consistent pattern of behavior but with a certain range of individual variability. Geogorc and Ward (1977) stated that learning style consists of distinctive and observable behavior that provides clues about the mediation abilities of individuals. In operational terms ,people through their characteristic sets of behavior tell us how their mind related to the world and therefore how they learn. COMPATIBILITY Matching is defined in terms of compatibility the interactive effects of person and environment (Hunt 1979) HEMISPHERICITY: Hemisphericity is the cerebral dominance of an individual is retaining the processing mode of information in his own style of learning and thinking.(Venkatraman 1989) Researcher conducted during the last two decades have shown that the human left cerebral hemisphere is to be specialized for primarily verbal, analytic, abstract, temporal and digital operations (Bogey 1969,Gazzaninga 1970, Ornstein 1972).The same investigation revealed that the right cerebral hemisphere is to be specializes for primarily non verbal holistic, concrete, creative, analogical and aesthetic function. For identifying the hemisphere dominance the ways in which and levels at which the information is being proceed by the individual are to be studied. 1.6 OBJECTIVES OF THES STUDY: *The primary objective of the study is to explore the compatibility between teaching style and learning style and its influence on academic achievement with regards to hemisphericity. * The Secondary objectives are the following. A) To find out the difference in the learning style of the students with respect to demographic variables. B) To find out the differences in the teaching style of the teacher with regards demographic variables. C) To find out the relationship between learning style and information processing style if the students. D) To find out the relationship between the teaching style and brain dominance of the teacher. E) To find out the relationship between learning style and achievement score of the students. F) To find out the relationship between learning style and teaching style and achievement score. 1.7 VARIABLES OF THE STUDY: A) Independent Variables (i) Teaching Style (ii) Learning Style (iii) Information Processing Style (iv) Solat B) Dependent Variable: Achievement Score 1.8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: Learning style is a consistent way of functioning which reflects cultural behavior patterns. These may be revised as a result of training or changes in learning experiences According to Reid(1987:100) learning styles are thus moderately strong habits rather than intractable biological attributes.In all academic classrooms there will be students with multiple learning styles, and students with major, minor and negative learning styles. Teachers are accommodating these learning styles and to bring changes in their own teaching style and provide a variety of activities for them only teachers can meet out needs of different learning styles of students. In a class where mismatch occur the students tend to bores and inactive, inattentive, do poorly on tests get discouraged about the course. They may conclude that they are not good at the subjects of the course and give up. To reduce teacher student style conflicts some researchers in the area of learning styles be matched. KUMARA VADIVELU (1991:98) states that the narrower the gap between teacher intervention and learner interpretation , the greater are the chances of achieving desires learning outcomes. Effective matching between teaching style and learning style can be achieved only when teachers are aware of their learners needs, capacities, potentialities and learning style preferences in meeting these needs.It has been the researchers experience as a teacher may learners fail to achieve an acceptable level of success in achievements tests. Is it possible that some students are failing to be successful at school because teaching methods do not cater for their learning style?Investigator much of reading on this topic suggest that the boredom, lack of success and frustration of students experiences t school could be due to incongruence between teaching strategy of teacher and their preferred learning styles.This inherent problem gave rise to the idea for this researcher topic. It was thus born out of a desire to provide teachers with an alternative approach to improve the learning productivity of their students. 1.9 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The present study has demarcated with the following limitations *The time frame the data collection phase of the research was conducted over a periods of 12 weeks. *Level of intelligence and relevant previous knowledge of the learner could also have had as effect on the result of the study. *Size of the sample. The limited number of the population and hence the small sample size could have influenced the degree to which the findings of the research can be generalized to other population. *This is only a precise product study in the area of learning and teaching style. *Due to laborious calculations, only certain variables are studied in this investigation. * The study is limited to the pupils of class ix only. *The study is limited to kancheepuram and Chennai district only. 1.10 CHAPTERIZATION The study is organized into six chapters for easy understanding flexible discussion in statistical results. CHAPTER I The first chapter details about the problem of the study, objectives, significance and scope of the study CHAPTER II It deals with backdrop of the study.It explores about teaching style,learning style,brain study,compatibility between teaching style and learning style,information processing , and solat CHAPTER III It deals with the review of related literature in the present investigation.It explore Indian reviews and international reviews CHAPTER IV The fourth chapter explores the methodology of the study, the statement of the problem, need, hypothesis, variables, studies, method of research, construction of tools , collection of data and statistical techniques used in analysis of data are presented. CHAPTER V This chapter incorporate with descriptive statistics,differential analysis association analysis,correlation analysis and conclusion. CHAPTER VI It is connected with summary, major findings , conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further study. Bibliography and Appendices are enclosed at the end of the thesis. Thus the finding is detailed in six chapters r.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Bembos Discourse on Love :: Italian Renaissance History Europe Essays

Bembo's Discourse on Love The idea of the Renaissance Gentleman. Just as it is false to see the Renaissance as a simple and sharp contrast with the Middle Ages, as did Michelet and Burckhardt, neither should it be seen as all of one piece. After the age of civic humanism came the dominance of the Medici in Florence, and in those contacts made with eastern scholars when the Council of Florence was attempting the reconciliation of the Eastern and Western Churches (a last effort to stave off the menace of the Turk) Cosimo de'Medici had been attracted to the figure of Plato. So there came his patronage of Marsilio Ficino and the birth of the Platonic Academy. Ficino became the disciple of Plato, and an advocate of neo-Platonism. Perhaps coincidentally, but as befits a court, the contemplative ideal began once more to gain over the active one. It was transmitted potently to Europe by a book that mirrored one of the noblest of Italian courts, that of Urbino. This was Baldassar Castiglione's Il cortegiano/The Book o f the Courtier). Published in 1528 (that is, after the Sack of Rome, 1527) it has a nostalgic vision of the civilisation nurtured in Urbino from the time of Federigo da Montefeltro, in one of the most beautiful of princely palaces. Apart from offering in its close the neoplatonic idea to Europe, it recommended not so much the status of the courtier, as the ideal of the gentleman. There is no other comparable book that encapsulated the ideals of the Italian Renaissance, and its European success ensured the diffusion of the message. (Penguin Hutchinson Reference Library Copyright (c) 1996 Helicon Publishing and Penguin Books Ltd) Renaissance Humanism became increasingly concerned with the self and the fashioning of the self. In Il Cortegiano (The Courtier), published in 1528, Conte Baldassare Castiglione's ideal courtier is an exponent of the latter. The education or the self-fashioning of the courtier involves almost everything under the sun. Therefore, as the courtier must learn the proper skills of war, he must also learn how to love. Love, the deportment of the courtier towards court-ladies, keeps recurring in the conversation in the court at Urbino during the discourses of all four nights and the many controversies generated by Gaspar Pallavicino, Lord Julian, and Bernard Bibiena all involve love and culminate ultimately in Pietro Bembo's inspired Platonic exposition. Here, however, are a few problems.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Research into the Mind of Serial Killers Essay -- Serial Killers Murde

The criminal homicide rate for the United States is currently at its lowest rate during the last forty years (6.3 per 100,000 people in 1998: Bureau of Justice Statistics); yet according to the media and entertainment fields, homicide is reaching epidemic proportions. Unfortunately these fields tend to exploit the concept of homicide in American society, rather than attempting to understand and control it. No where is this more prevalent than in the study of a small subset of criminal homicide referred to as serial murder. This area of serial homicide specifically refers to the murder of several victims by a single person, generally unknown to the victim, over a designated period of time. Serial murder and those who commit it have always been around but have only really come to national attention in the last thirty years. Since the 1970’s people have been fascinated with and horrified by serial murderers. Despite the enormous amount of coverage of serial killers by video and print media, television, and movies, relatively few sources of information about them exist and even less is known. The details of ones crimes tend to be sensationalized, making rationalization very difficult, but what is lost among the horror and gore are the motives and reasons that lead a person to do this. What causes a person to kill again and again? An attempt to explain, rationalize and predict has plagued law enforcement and medical personnel for a considerable amount of time. If law enforcement is to create proactive, rather than reactive, strategies to this type of criminal behavior then they must be able to understand why it happens. Unfortunately we still do not have a clear understanding for the motives of murder, thus making understanding serial murder that much more difficult. Coming to any definite conclusions or making any definitive statements is not currently possible, the best that experts can do is make broad generalizations and educated guesses. Current literature on the subject comes to a number of fairly educated (and a few non-educated) conclusions that help to explain serial murder. Only a relatively few studies have been done that include in-depth first hand interviews with the perpetrators of the crimes themselves. This analysis of past offenders has elicited several key behavioral and childhood similaritie s among this sub-group of homicide perpetrators i... ...cholars are simply posing the same questions that have always been asked and are not necessarily answering any of them. The reason for this, as is the belief of this author, is that questions are all we will ever have. Answers are not available regarding why, how and when in serial murder. As upsetting as it is to this researcher, actually admitting, especially to ourselves, that not being able to find an answer has to be the first step. Possibly moving the focus of a proactive strategy to the identification of victims and perpetrators, from troubled children, is our best bet for success. Focusing on identification rather than prediction should be looked at as the nest possible step. Being able to stop these killers very early instead of wasting money researching childhood behavior, which is obviously not currently working, needs to occur. The ultimate conclusion of this author is that we will never be able to fight this problem to extinction. As sad and unfortunate as it is, as long as there are people who desire to ultimately control others, this problem will persist. The more we understand about this, the more it becomes a reflection of society and the direction it is taking.

Friday, October 11, 2019

1984 Dictatorship

The novel 1984 is based on totalitarianism and dictatorship. Big Brother rules Oceania, where the people are forced to listen to him and follow his rules. There are surveillance cameras and microphones set-up everywhere so that Big Brother can keep an eye on everyone and know about everything that's happening. There is no secret in this society, and one wrong move can get you killed with no one knowing, one day everything about you will be erased and you'll eventually be forgotten. Children are taught that if they see anyone suspicious they are to immediately turn them in, even if it is their parents. There are things like thought polices, who patrol around the area to look for anyone suspicious, or anyone who has â€Å"thoughts†. The reason I am telling you about this is because I believe there is some of that happening in our society today to a certain extent. We have laws and rules given to us by the government that we have to keep, of course it is for us, but that is what the people Oceania are told, that the rules and regulations they are given is to benefit them. We have policemen and people from the government around us; patrolling the streets to make sure we don't break the rules we are given. If we view this in a different perspective we are being watched and ruled by the government, just like the people of Oceania. Not only do governments influence us, but so do businesses. Governments and businesses tells us what to buy, what to do, where to go, what to eat, what to believe†¦ 1984 is relevant to the government and war because it is the first book which drew an image about a government that would use the societies freedom as a price for their security. The people of Oceania live their lives without much difficulty, they are use to their life styles and have accepted the fact that that is how they are to live their lives. George Orwell has written this book as a view of the future, how he saw the future, This was seen as a threat to the society at the time. It is surprising to see that the language can be changed so easily. The Newspeak dictionary aims to cut down on the language, from good, brilliant, excellent to good, good good, good good good. To us this obviously makes no sense but to the new generations of Oceania this was their language, When the older generations of Oceania die, the old language would be forgotten, and the new language would be the language of the people. Same goes for the history. The present generation would change the history, modify them so that Oceania would seem like the hero and this history is thought to the children as well so that as they grow us they learn the modified history and from then on the modified past would be the present past. The modified past would obviously changed again so that the truth would be forgotten. The story is told from Winston's point of view, where he views the society as a prison, because the story is told from Winston's point of view the story may seen bias, and can be different to what other people thought at the time. In a way, as a reader we are manipulated to view things the way Winston does. After reading 1984, you realise how different life would be without freedom, you learn to respect your freedom and dignity. You also learn the threat the government can have on you, and the impact they can have. The only problem about wars isn't the death of the innocent soldiers but the impact it would have within one country, the chances it may turn into a totalitarian country.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Purpose of My Existence

A solitary bland time-piece on a pale blue wall tolls the first dark hour in midnight's wake. A child, at tender age of 12, lies awake in her dank, cold bed. The vile darkness shrouds her in a tangible web of fear and wicked delusion. A cacophony of silence descends upon her shivering form. Her lies, thrown asunder, off her huddled form, evidence of a sleepless tussle.The ceiling fan creaks solemnly above, a monotonous jarring abeyance to the morbid silence. The air-conditioned hums softly, a prayer to end this chronic suffering. The child's thoughts wander, her cerebrum trying to weave together strains of rational thought, struggling to find answers to inquisitions a mind as young as her was never meant to ponder upon; All, in vain. She drifts, tragically at sea, through an ocean of befuddling questions to which the realm of logic fails to provide substantial answers. What is existence?Why are we here? What is to become of me? What's the point? What is our purpose? The queries grow as her mind strains to find answers, to find meaning behind this intangible veil of existence. The questions come to be her bane; she became so curious, she questions her existence, purpose and hope. That child was me.I continued to question life, until recently, when I was engrossed into deep conversation with my sister. She narrated to me her peaceful missionary trip to Kenya, in Africa. It reminded me of the serenity and tranquility of the moments I had spent in a missionary camp before. After days of contemplation and reflection, I met my mother’s old friend who served the poor as a dentist.Her passion for her job and the society was contagious. After a deep study of dentistry along with its pros and cons, and after witnessing how she treated her patient, how she examined their whole body before examining their teeth, how she was treated with utmost respect by her patients, I gained profound respect for the profession.Since I know that I have passion for souls, to cater f or them physically and in all areas of life, I know this can be achieved effectively as a dental doctor. Â  I fully understood that it was helping the deprived that gave me utter satisfaction and pleasure. Being an adventurous person, I have always liked to explore new places. I will be making this quest real by visiting many nations of the world to assist them with my dental skills to treat the underprivileged free of charge.My ultimate goal in life is to contribute to the improvement in the quality of human life through healing not only people’s teeth, but also their broken hearts and to share with them the God’s unlimited love which is already given to me, using my job as a tool.I have finished my degree in Humanities and Social Sciences from Washtenaw Community College in 2005; after which I earned a Bachelors of Sciences from University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2008. I have conducted individual research as a Research and Lab Assistant in the Medical Genetic as wel l as in Biochemistry department at Madison, Wisconsin.Also, I’ve worked as a florist and wedding planner along with other experiences such as a translator, cashier and hostess. I was the president of the Korean Engineering & Science Association and Korean Science Association; social chairman of Korean Economics Student Association; and an active member of the UW-Madison Pre-Dental Society.I’ve also taken part in many musical associations at many places. I have received many scholarships such as, Leven, Maurice & Marie Scholarship, Atlanta Alumni Club Scholarship and William F. Vilas Scholarship, and I was on the Dean’s High Honor Roll from 2003-2005.After researching the profession, I have gained tremendous respect for it. I saw how dentistry has been an important factor in so many lives. Dentistry is one of the first diagnostic tools for diseases. I want o showcase my talent and my calling to the world and since dentist are noble people in the society, I want t o be associated with it.Also, I now see life as very precious with each patient having unique stories and insights. I will have respect for each patient’s opinion, and at the same time uphold the ethics of the profession, thereby restoring back the confident of some patient that are afraid of dentist. I will relate to my patient in such a way that they will have been alright even before treating them.Lastly, with this much that I have already achieved in life and a strong commitment and passion for more, I know that I will be taking to study dentistry as my own way of contributing to the progress and development my community and the entire world. Although, there are thousand of dentists in United State, I believe that I can become one of them, God helping me.I will be very happy and fulfilled if I can be admitted to study my dreamed and long desired course. Thanks for your attention.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Groups and Teams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Groups and Teams - Essay Example In the first section of this document, I shall critically discuss the impact of Belbin team roles in the three areas that I shall major: leadership skills, problem solving and decision making. Moreover, I shall inculcate the Mary Brown scenario and relate it to the specific three theories discussed. Additionally, I shall deliver an eventual concise summary on the Belbin team roles. Moreover, I have critically explored the above-mentioned areas, with regard to thorough studies I have conducted and which I have cited within the text. Groups and Teams Apparently, all teams are groups but not all groups are teams. Definitely, a group is any given number of entities that are considered as a complete unit. Moreover, a collection of various people who share various aspects, interact freely with each other, give in to obligations and rights as members of the specific group and share an identity form an entity. Moreover, groups are established to segregate the incident into practical areas of operation. Additionally, a collection of individuals who operate together to deliver products or services are mutually accountable. The members of the team share common goals and are mutually accountable for accomplishing them while affecting interactions between them. Each member of the team is held responsible for the work of integrating with each other since the entire team is held accountable. Groups embody various traits that are retrospective relative to those of teams. For instance, group members have paltry communication, they lack vision, members always seek to conceive their identity, leaders are manipulative, the whole group entity is ideally less than the summation of its independent parts, their members have exclusive cliques and there is minimal support. As disputed to groups, teams have advantageous traits that include plentiful support, members always seek to find identity, there is honesty and openness, there are numerous opportunities for motivation and new member s are always welcome and communication is effective. Mary Brown Scenario This scenario regards a situation where a family in a given town faces problems emanating from drug abuse. For instance, George Smith and Mary Brown, the father and mother respectively; to three children: Joe, Lucy and Tom have numerous problems within their marriage, issues that come from intake of drugs and short temperedness. This scenario also encompasses the outside parties concerned with the family, with an aim to help them elude the problems they face. This inculcates Ann, the family’s social service worker, Teachers, welfare personnel and youth workers among others who seem to have issues with effective communication across their specific agencies. Theories on the Leadership Skills, Problem Solving and Decision Making Linked With Mary Brown Scenario With regard to leadership skills, the Mary Brown scenario applies in the sense that virtually all involved parties have weaknesses in one aspect or t he other in process of trying to work as a team. For example, Ann, the family’s social worker seems to be overly concerned with helping the family by addressing the need to hold a meeting with the concerned parties such as the police, youth workers, welfare officers, teachers and drug advisors among others. This shows that she is a leader of good sort. With regard to George’s family, he is anticipated to take leadership over his family though he

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Utilitarians Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Utilitarians - Essay Example This can be described in the expression that the ends justify the means. For that matter, the measure of utility is with respect to the level of satisfaction related to the end result. It is phrased as the greatest good for the majority but it focuses only on the end result unlike other philosophies wherein there are other basis e.g. virtues. For that matter, it is often considered as a reductionist view of ethics, focusing on a single attribute or a narrow point of view (Goodin, 1995; Mill, 2004). The application of utilitarianism in different cases can be considered to result differently from other philosophies. In Heinz Dilemma, due to the fact that the satisfaction achieved through the end result can be the focus of the principle, the action done by Heinz is justifiable. Due to the fact that he has done the act of robbery, he was able to get money to help his wife. The act of achieving is not important in utilitarianism. Ethics that are related to virtuous acts are not covered. In terms of the application of the philosophy in the Prisoners’ Dilemma, the most common action that will be undertaken is to point the fault to another. This is due to the fact that the chance to lessen the punishment can be a lure. In testifying against the other, a prisoner can have 5 years, 6 months or even have freedom. While if virtue or morality is in action a prisoner can risk a 10 year punishment (Goodin, 1995; Mill, 2004). The utilitarian’s view is in contrary to the Kant’s principle of duty since the main focus of Kant’s principle is to achieve a goal through actions and means that are in accordance to the duty to moral principles and guidelines. One of the views of the said duty by Kant is the duty to respect one’s neighbors as he would to himself/herself (Timmons, 2002). Based on the study of the concept and application of the principles of utilitarianism, it can be considered

Monday, October 7, 2019

Hurricanes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hurricanes - Essay Example The paper explores hurricanes centering on the formation and characteristics of the hurricanes. A hurricane assembles energy as it progress across the ocean water, drawing up warm, moist tropical air from the surface and supplying breezy air aloft. The Coriolis force is essential in the creation  of a hurricane  although the force becomes weak near the equator. Thus, hurricanes can never form at the equator. Hurricanes typically haves an average diameter of about 500 km (311 miles) with strong winds  spiraling inward and upward at speeds that range from 75 to 200 mph (Ahrens, 2007). Hurricanes usually start as tropical disturbances in warm ocean waters with surface waters temperatures reaching at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.5 degrees) or warmer. The low pressure systems  derive energy flowing from the warm seas. A hurricane usually starts as a tropical wave before it becomes a tropical disturbance. In the event that a storm attains wind speeds of about 38 miles (61 kilometers or less) an hour, the storm is otherwise referred to as a tropical depression. A tropical depression is known as tropical storm when it sustains wind speeds of about 39 miles to 73 mph (63 kilometers) an hour. If a tropical storm reaches sustained wind speeds of about 74 miles or more (199 kilometers) an hour, it becomes a hurricane and gains a category rating of 1 to 5 based on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Hurricanes represent massive heat engines that generate energy at an immense scale. Hurricanes usually derive heat from warm, moist ocean air and release it via condensation of water vapor in thunderstorms. Hurricanes rotate around a low-pressure centre known as the â€Å"eye,† exemplified by light winds and fair weather. The â€Å"eye† emanates from sinking air at the centre. Hurricanes mainly spiral in a counter-clockwise direction  with the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Global Violence Against Women Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Violence Against Women Rights - Essay Example In this essay, we are going to discuss the major issues affecting women and measures taken to do-away gender inequality and discrimination against women. Sexual exploitation A survey conducted by a human rights watch group in 1990 found that many governments were either actively involved in the violation of women rights or did nothing to stop evident abuses against women. According to Human Rights Watch (pp.16) the human rights watch reported instances where governments were actively involved in breach of the rights of women. For instance, security personnel sent to foster peace in war-torn areas ended up raping women, without any action being taken against them by their commanders. These cases of security forces raping women were reported in countries such as Somalia, and Kashmir. In other instances, security forces have been documented as having sexually abused women demonstrators. According to Enloe (pp.47), when Korean women tried to demonstrate against poor working conditions, t roops were called in to quell the riots. These troops stripped and raped the rioting women. It is disheartening to see that the same people entrusted protect human dignity are the same ones who turn against women, rape, impregnate, and even infect them with diseases. The internet is a major player in as far as sexual exploitation of women is concerned. Hughes (pp.1) states that there are sites all over the internet, which give information on where to find prostitutes. Unfortunately, some of these women are girls in their teenage, who fall prey to sexual exploiters. These sites even provide video images of how to treat prostitutes and how much to pay for their services. The worrying factor is that these postings on the internet are made without restrictions. Companies such as World Wide Web do nothing to stop the spread of such information. But then again, why would they stop sexual exploitation, if the content means more profit for them? The more exciting the content on prostitution , pornography, and sexual exploitation, the more people will visit these sites. It is no wonder; therefore, that little has been done to curb sexual exploitation on the internet. Governments fail to enforce laws on prostitution because sex tourism is a form of revenue for such governments. Most of the women who participate in prostitution are desperate women from underprivileged surroundings, in desperate need of money. Enloe (49) gives the example of South Korean women who were left out of work after the withdrawal of sneaker manufacturers from the country. These women were forced turn to prostitution, in order to earn money. We live in a sorry society where, people capitalize on the plight of women and turn them into sexual objects. Exploitation by employers and Unequal employment opportunities In the employment sector, women are exploited by greedy employers who are keen on maximizing profit. The major culprits are multinational companies. These companies set up businesses in var ious countries, employ women workers and end up overworking them, in order to maximize profits. Enloe (44) gives the example of post-cold war Russia, which saw the advent of Reebok, a shoe processing company. Women were employed to stitch shoes in the factories. These women would work for long hours in the factories, yet receive very low wages. Shoe manufacturers made massive investments in South Korea in the 1980s, employing thousands of women. These women took to their

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Film Sequence - Raging Bull (Martin Scoreses, 1980) Essay

Film Sequence - Raging Bull (Martin Scoreses, 1980) - Essay Example He became very rich and then wasted all his money. Later on in life he became a stand up comedian in which he didn’t succeed in a great way. Even more, he was imprisoned for taking advantage of an underage girl. After their previous endeavor, â€Å"Taxi Driver†, Scorsese, De Niro and Screen writer Paul Schrader were drawn and seemed exited by the life of the tortured, rough and devastated character. The techniques used in this film were unique and captures the imaginative power of the director. The movie offers a strong portrayal of the visual language and the composition of the shots. The opening credits of the movie shows the titles with a slow motion shot of the boxer jogging and warming up in the ring. It is a similar to the opening shots of To Kill a Mocking Bird. Raging Bull opening sequence plays Intermezzo from the opera Cavalleria Rusticana, by Pietro Mascagni. It has an amazing soundscapes, a no color cinematography and expert production design. Jake La Motta is portrayed in the opening scene exactly in a way notes are portrayed on a music sheet. He is feared, angry and the ropes of the ring look very much like the bars of music. Scorsese’s poetic meditation on La Motta’s fights in the ring is an important motif in the films romantic glorification of the sport and a tribute to its classic photojournalists. The film also displays elements of Christianity, specially a parallel of the fall. La Motta is shown capable of great things but his own wrong doings and failure to correct himself keeps him away from achieving much. (Martin Scorsese, Men of the cloth, Men of the Streets). Another important field had been Scorsese’s use of slow motion cinematography penetrates through the film and it is that absurdity which makes the critics find the film so compelling. Intertextuality means the way artworks can copy, pay tribute or enrich others work and here Scorsese imitates Life Magazine snaps in the movie. Establishing shots s uch as a low angle one which focuses on the symmetry of fire escapes in a Bronx building shows the artistic side of Scorsese. Camera work in this film had been of exceptional quality, with shots like a 360 degree swish pan which was used to show the state of Sugar Ray receiving the punches, which shows feelings inside the opponents mind. In the last part we see Jake getting beaten up, where the cameras close in on the hits and the blood. Slow motion is used to highlight the blood. Scorsese uses chiaroscuro lighting which creates energy and to portray the disturbed search. The energy is the desire, the camera is the hope and the lights are the worries that will be produced and the desires stripped. Scorsese’s use of wide angle lens, on close-ups, is well pictured. This would not have come out in longer lens. The great sense of separation is produced by this. Certain shots like the high angle, over the shoulder shot as La Motta hits Robinson, the camera zooms to a medium close from a long shot. The camera then takes the flash of a photojournalist and the flash fades. Scenes like these left a lot of scope for the audience to interpret. A point of view shot is used when the character is shown looking at something, so the shot is alternated with the view and the reaction of the observer. Slow motion