Sunday, October 6, 2019

Global Violence Against Women Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Violence Against Women Rights - Essay Example In this essay, we are going to discuss the major issues affecting women and measures taken to do-away gender inequality and discrimination against women. Sexual exploitation A survey conducted by a human rights watch group in 1990 found that many governments were either actively involved in the violation of women rights or did nothing to stop evident abuses against women. According to Human Rights Watch (pp.16) the human rights watch reported instances where governments were actively involved in breach of the rights of women. For instance, security personnel sent to foster peace in war-torn areas ended up raping women, without any action being taken against them by their commanders. These cases of security forces raping women were reported in countries such as Somalia, and Kashmir. In other instances, security forces have been documented as having sexually abused women demonstrators. According to Enloe (pp.47), when Korean women tried to demonstrate against poor working conditions, t roops were called in to quell the riots. These troops stripped and raped the rioting women. It is disheartening to see that the same people entrusted protect human dignity are the same ones who turn against women, rape, impregnate, and even infect them with diseases. The internet is a major player in as far as sexual exploitation of women is concerned. Hughes (pp.1) states that there are sites all over the internet, which give information on where to find prostitutes. Unfortunately, some of these women are girls in their teenage, who fall prey to sexual exploiters. These sites even provide video images of how to treat prostitutes and how much to pay for their services. The worrying factor is that these postings on the internet are made without restrictions. Companies such as World Wide Web do nothing to stop the spread of such information. But then again, why would they stop sexual exploitation, if the content means more profit for them? The more exciting the content on prostitution , pornography, and sexual exploitation, the more people will visit these sites. It is no wonder; therefore, that little has been done to curb sexual exploitation on the internet. Governments fail to enforce laws on prostitution because sex tourism is a form of revenue for such governments. Most of the women who participate in prostitution are desperate women from underprivileged surroundings, in desperate need of money. Enloe (49) gives the example of South Korean women who were left out of work after the withdrawal of sneaker manufacturers from the country. These women were forced turn to prostitution, in order to earn money. We live in a sorry society where, people capitalize on the plight of women and turn them into sexual objects. Exploitation by employers and Unequal employment opportunities In the employment sector, women are exploited by greedy employers who are keen on maximizing profit. The major culprits are multinational companies. These companies set up businesses in var ious countries, employ women workers and end up overworking them, in order to maximize profits. Enloe (44) gives the example of post-cold war Russia, which saw the advent of Reebok, a shoe processing company. Women were employed to stitch shoes in the factories. These women would work for long hours in the factories, yet receive very low wages. Shoe manufacturers made massive investments in South Korea in the 1980s, employing thousands of women. These women took to their

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