Monday, October 14, 2019

Role Of Hemisphericity In Activating Teaching Style Education Essay

Role Of Hemisphericity In Activating Teaching Style Education Essay The most distinctive feature of modern society is science based technology. The changes that occur as a result of the impact of its are called as modernization. This modernization has affected teaching .learning in many ways. Modern teaching learning is giving importance to students activity. It is called student centered approach. In a traditional society the aim of teaching learning acquisition of knowledge. But in modern society the main aim of teaching learning is not only acquisition of knowledge but also the awakening of curiosity, the stimulation of creativity the development of proper interest, attitude and values and the building of essential skills such as independent study teaching learning in the modern society is to keep pace with the achievement of knowledge and skills. According to Dictionary of Education (2005, p.521) learning is the process of acquiring knowledge, skills and belief through experience. Learning takes place when students interact with others and with environment by observing, talking, listening discussing, writing and relating their own ideas and experiences with others.(Reddy, 2006, p.11). Piagets (1964, p.17) describes learning is subordinated to development and not vice versa. He explained development as the active construction of knowledge and learning as the passive formation of association. He was interested in knowledge construction and believes that cognitive development came before learning. According to his view child cannot learn a concept before they are cognitively ready. Here by the term cognitively ready he means development of child. Cognitive development takes place first then they become able to learn where as Vygotsky believed that learning is an active process and it did not wait for readiness. Vygotsky, (1978, p.90) said properly organized learning results in mental development and sets in motion a variety of developmental process that would be impossible apart from learning. He saw learning as a tool in development. Learning pulls development up to higher level and social interaction is a key in learning. So in this way learning can be defined as an individual as well as socialactivity. Learning takes place as a result of experience. For example a first grade student sings, twinkle twinkle little star and second grade student leaves hot spoon immediately. First case is the example of learning while second case is not the example of learning, whats the difference between the examples of learning and not learning? The difference is the experience. In other words the first grade students behavior is the result of his experience. He was not biologically programmed to sing twinkle twinkle little star and leaving hot spoon is reflexive activity. The learning is what students do, teaching is what the teacher can teach. The improvement in teaching can be demonstrated if there is improvement in learning. As observed by prof.R.S. Adams and others students may learn what the teacher intended them to; they may not. Teachers like others are fallible,then may not always teach correctly. It Follows them that in any learning situation students may learn correctly what the teacher taught incorrectly or may learn incorrectly what the teacher taught correctly or fortunately the opposites. 1.2 TEACHING AND LEARNING Teaching and Learning are interlinked. The teacher teaches and students learn. Teaching learning has four aspects they are teacher, student, learning process figure1.1 explained The process in the interaction between student and the teacher Teacher development Pupil Learning Process and learning situation. The teacher creates the learning situation for the student. The process in the interaction between student and the teacher. This interaction is explained in the figure1.1 Teaching learning is influenced by the totality of the learning environmental situation. This interaction is possible through three way communication. This results is behavior changes in the learner. This is diagrammatically explained in the figure1.2 The teacher guiding their students in eight step. *Step 12 communication from the teacher to the learner. *Step 3 to 5 from learner to teacher. *Step 6 to 8 again from teacher to learner. Through this 3 way communication teacher could teach is a linear manner. On the other hand learner can know how well his learning is progressing and how he can success in his way of learning. The teaching components and learning components are interlinked. Teaching objectives are successful only when the learning outcomes coincide within it. The components of teaching learning are given below. 1.2.1.COMPONENTS OF LEARNING PROCESS *Task to be learned. *Characteristics of the task to be learned. * Characteristics of the learner. *Conditions under which effective learning takes place. 1.2.2.COMPONENTS OF TEACHING PROCESS: *Instructional goals. *Entering behavior. *Instructional procedures. *Performance assessment. 1.3.ROLE OF BRAIN IN LEARNING: Brain study research identifies the left brain is the academic brain. It is because educators generally emphasize its process in a traditional class room. It has some limitations in learning on the other hand the right brain is the artistic brain because it is the center for creative talents. Though science and medicines now give more attention to these brain process, education has traditionally neglected the right side, learning half of a students brain potential under educated. Nowadays more school systems are using whole brain learning technique. The brain study shows that learning can be flourished only when teachers make their students to integrate use both sides of their brain is a lesson. For Example in Kg classes, Teachers who use music, Dance, Story telling, Drama or other right brain activities in their class which trigger the left brain students. Their learning capabilities can be increased but in the primary section the teacher can use traditional teaching which reduce t he right brain activities. When right brain teacher teaches left brain students it affects the achievement of the learner. So the teacher should be whole brained their only he can produce right brain and whole brain dominated students. The present study has two phases. *First phase the matching between teaching and learning. *Second phase Brain dominance of the students and teacher. 1.4 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The problem for the present study is titled as compatibility between teaching style and learning style with reference to hemisphericity. 1.5 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Teaching Style: Teaching Style defined by Fisher and Fisher(1979) as a pervasive way of approaching the learners that might be consistent with several methods of teaching Gregorc(1979) Teaching Style consists of an instructors personal behavior and the media used to transmit or receive data to or from the learner. LEARNING STYLE: Cornett defined learning style as a a consistent pattern of behavior but with a certain range of individual variability. Geogorc and Ward (1977) stated that learning style consists of distinctive and observable behavior that provides clues about the mediation abilities of individuals. In operational terms ,people through their characteristic sets of behavior tell us how their mind related to the world and therefore how they learn. COMPATIBILITY Matching is defined in terms of compatibility the interactive effects of person and environment (Hunt 1979) HEMISPHERICITY: Hemisphericity is the cerebral dominance of an individual is retaining the processing mode of information in his own style of learning and thinking.(Venkatraman 1989) Researcher conducted during the last two decades have shown that the human left cerebral hemisphere is to be specialized for primarily verbal, analytic, abstract, temporal and digital operations (Bogey 1969,Gazzaninga 1970, Ornstein 1972).The same investigation revealed that the right cerebral hemisphere is to be specializes for primarily non verbal holistic, concrete, creative, analogical and aesthetic function. For identifying the hemisphere dominance the ways in which and levels at which the information is being proceed by the individual are to be studied. 1.6 OBJECTIVES OF THES STUDY: *The primary objective of the study is to explore the compatibility between teaching style and learning style and its influence on academic achievement with regards to hemisphericity. * The Secondary objectives are the following. A) To find out the difference in the learning style of the students with respect to demographic variables. B) To find out the differences in the teaching style of the teacher with regards demographic variables. C) To find out the relationship between learning style and information processing style if the students. D) To find out the relationship between the teaching style and brain dominance of the teacher. E) To find out the relationship between learning style and achievement score of the students. F) To find out the relationship between learning style and teaching style and achievement score. 1.7 VARIABLES OF THE STUDY: A) Independent Variables (i) Teaching Style (ii) Learning Style (iii) Information Processing Style (iv) Solat B) Dependent Variable: Achievement Score 1.8. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: Learning style is a consistent way of functioning which reflects cultural behavior patterns. These may be revised as a result of training or changes in learning experiences According to Reid(1987:100) learning styles are thus moderately strong habits rather than intractable biological attributes.In all academic classrooms there will be students with multiple learning styles, and students with major, minor and negative learning styles. Teachers are accommodating these learning styles and to bring changes in their own teaching style and provide a variety of activities for them only teachers can meet out needs of different learning styles of students. In a class where mismatch occur the students tend to bores and inactive, inattentive, do poorly on tests get discouraged about the course. They may conclude that they are not good at the subjects of the course and give up. To reduce teacher student style conflicts some researchers in the area of learning styles be matched. KUMARA VADIVELU (1991:98) states that the narrower the gap between teacher intervention and learner interpretation , the greater are the chances of achieving desires learning outcomes. Effective matching between teaching style and learning style can be achieved only when teachers are aware of their learners needs, capacities, potentialities and learning style preferences in meeting these needs.It has been the researchers experience as a teacher may learners fail to achieve an acceptable level of success in achievements tests. Is it possible that some students are failing to be successful at school because teaching methods do not cater for their learning style?Investigator much of reading on this topic suggest that the boredom, lack of success and frustration of students experiences t school could be due to incongruence between teaching strategy of teacher and their preferred learning styles.This inherent problem gave rise to the idea for this researcher topic. It was thus born out of a desire to provide teachers with an alternative approach to improve the learning productivity of their students. 1.9 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: The present study has demarcated with the following limitations *The time frame the data collection phase of the research was conducted over a periods of 12 weeks. *Level of intelligence and relevant previous knowledge of the learner could also have had as effect on the result of the study. *Size of the sample. The limited number of the population and hence the small sample size could have influenced the degree to which the findings of the research can be generalized to other population. *This is only a precise product study in the area of learning and teaching style. *Due to laborious calculations, only certain variables are studied in this investigation. * The study is limited to the pupils of class ix only. *The study is limited to kancheepuram and Chennai district only. 1.10 CHAPTERIZATION The study is organized into six chapters for easy understanding flexible discussion in statistical results. CHAPTER I The first chapter details about the problem of the study, objectives, significance and scope of the study CHAPTER II It deals with backdrop of the study.It explores about teaching style,learning style,brain study,compatibility between teaching style and learning style,information processing , and solat CHAPTER III It deals with the review of related literature in the present investigation.It explore Indian reviews and international reviews CHAPTER IV The fourth chapter explores the methodology of the study, the statement of the problem, need, hypothesis, variables, studies, method of research, construction of tools , collection of data and statistical techniques used in analysis of data are presented. CHAPTER V This chapter incorporate with descriptive statistics,differential analysis association analysis,correlation analysis and conclusion. CHAPTER VI It is connected with summary, major findings , conclusions, recommendations and suggestions for further study. Bibliography and Appendices are enclosed at the end of the thesis. Thus the finding is detailed in six chapters r.

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