Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Interaction Analysis Challenges And Solutions Essay

Interaction Analysis: Challenges and Solutions Amin Davoodi Interaction analysis refers to an interdisciplinary method for experimentation of the interaction of people with each other and with their surrounding environment. It investigates our activities, verbal and nonverbal interaction, and the use of technologies, recognizing our regular practices and problems and the sources for their solution. It is deeply rooted in the fields like ethnography, sociolinguistics, ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, kinesics, and proxemics. Interaction analysis as a definite method has been differentiated from other kinds of data analyses. Although it is not taught by itself in any university curriculum, there is an increasing number of practitioners doing interaction-analytic work who help methods, approaches, and findings to the practices of the community of practitioners of interaction analysis. All methods have their own theoretical assumptions. They develop both concrete working practices and theoretical assumptions. Although practitioners of interaction analysis come from various disciplines and use, the results of their analyses for different aims share more or less obvious perception of the world that is shown and supported by the work of doing this kind of analysis. Moreover, they hold a common set of opinions about how to access that world. There is not still an obvious constitution of these framing assumptions and there is likely to be lack of agreement about whichShow MoreRelatedChallenges of International Relations966 Words   |  4 Pagesworld politics and that will most certainly lead to a future distribution of world power. This shift is also likely to decrease the barriers of long-standing state borders. All over the world there are many political systems. The pattern of interaction between international political actors has changed in the past and will change in the future. 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