Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Room Kit - Original Writing - 1238 Words

Livvy walked down the halls of the Institute towards the room Kit had chosen. As she rounded the corner, she noticed Ty sitting outside Kit’s door, book in hand. Livvy flopped down next to her twin. â€Å"What are you reading?† Livvy asked, peering over his shoulder. â€Å"I’m not really reading,† Ty answered. He lifted up his book to show her his writing in the margins. â€Å"It’s the Shadowhunter Codex. I’m making some notes in it for Kit.† â€Å"I’m pretty sure the codex will cover all the basic knowledge,† said Livvy. â€Å"What else is there to add?† â€Å"I’m just explaining more,† Ty said. â€Å"I’d imagine he’s pretty confused and upset. I mean think about what it must be like, losing your father and finding out you’re a Shadowhunter in the same day.† â€Å"I’ll†¦show more content†¦It had been so long since she had felt the cool sea breeze in her l ungs. Annabel was confused. The last thing she remembered was being locked away. She remembered being all alone in the tower, far away from her Malcolm. Annabel looked around. Where am I? Or maybe the more important question is when am I? Annabel thought, for she had no clue how long she had been at rest. Suddenly a name flashed in her mind. Emma. I must kill Emma. This deeply confused Annabel, as she knew no one named Emma. Why should she kill this person? * * * Livvy walked into the kitchen. Julian was at the stove making pancakes. Ty was already sitting at the table. He looked up at her. â€Å"Morning Livvy,† he said. â€Å"Good Morning,† she replied. Emma walked in with Tavvy. â€Å"But I want chocolate milk!† he said. â€Å"Tavs I already told you we don’t have any chocolate milk this morning. You drank the rest yesterday morning,† Emma replied. â€Å"You were supposed to get more,† Tavvy whined. â€Å"Come get your pancakes Tavvy,† said Julian. Tavvy glared at Emma before hurrying over to get his pancakes. â€Å"I’ll tell you what,† said Julian, â€Å"Since there isn’t chocolate milk, you can put sprinkles on your pancakes.† â€Å"Ok,† Tavvy said with a smile. Emma went and got her pancakes, and completely ignoring Julian, she brushed passed him and went to sit next to Mark, who was talking to Christina and Perfect Diego. Dru sat next to them, completely engrossed with every word Perfect Diego said. Livvy

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